Norand Mono (Analog Bass Synth with Sequencer)

You can hold a step and transpose?

Havenā€™t used mine in a few weeks, but pretty sure. You can also just apply a different note from the keyboard on each trig. Unless I just donā€™t understand the question, which is likely since Iā€™m still trying to wake up :slight_smile:

All good. I donā€™t have one here yet. Itā€™s something I donā€™t remember seeing in any demo vids.

Iā€™m sure youā€™ll get the hang of it quickly! Iā€™m still learning new things, but itā€™s pretty darn easy to just dive right in and the manual is very well written.

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There are two types of sounds that live together on the Mono: the ā€˜normalā€™ (for the lack of a better word) sound, which you can play chromatically using the keyboard, and the Mod Notes, for which you need to adjust the oscillators to tune if you want to change it. There are 40 of these per project, so you could also set each one to the notes of a scale if you prefer using them chromatically (I rather use them as drum kits)


Yes you can, but there is also a transpose mode that only applies to normal notes (i.e. not to the so called Mod Notes). It comes pretty handy if, for example, you use Mode Notes for the beat - and therefore want to keep them unchanged - and normal notes for a melody. You can transpose normal notes at octave level, but also at base note level.


That sounds pretty powerful.

I think I read somewhere that there is a mode that allows you to leave a pattern and when you return to it, it is reverted to its last project save state. I really like this option, I wish this was possible for the digis.


I also like, on the contrary, that you can choose to carry your tweaked sound over to the next pattern(s), i.e. if you change sound parameters on the current pattern, the patch is going to use the same modified parameters on the next pattern - if you choose so (this is called ā€˜patchless patternsā€™, IIRC)

Lots of flexibility and useful features in this little machine :slight_smile:


yeah, this is amazingā€¦ im pretty blown away.

Finally pulled the trigger on this one. I have a few monosynths and really donā€™t need another one, but its really an interesting piece of kit.

Has anyone tried/had trouble with doing program changes from an Elektron to trigger pattern changes on the Norand Mono?

I need to say: Pattern changes to other gear from electron sequencers is often a problem for me. Perhaps itā€˜s me, but yeah. Been there multiple times. But: Just go to pattern mode on norand, and you can change with just one keypress your pattern.

I understand that. I feel like the Cirklon does a good job with the Elektron stuff. it sends the program change before the pattern/scene change.

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I think you need a user to visit that link.
Iā€™ll pass, but I just believe you :wink:

Let me know how you find the Norand

Was thinking to pull the trigger too



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To those that have the mono. my Volume know doesnā€™t seem to work properly. Itā€™s either full volume or completely off. is this setting? Is there something wrong with my unit?

Sounds not right, should do what it usually does. What happens exactly when you turn from full Volume down or the other way around?

Contact Mathieu from Norand, he is very nice, responds quickly and offers solutions fast:


I saw there was an update where function and volume do something different now? Iā€™ll have to take mine out and check. The support really is great with them though!

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This update introduced a master volume feature: By pressing FUNC and turning the volume knob, you can set the global volume of the instrument, whatever the project or pattern.
Otherwise, when youā€™re in normal note mode (i.e. not Mode Notes), turning the volume knob (without FUNC being pressed) sets the volume of non-Mod notes (i.e. the main patch), until a low amount, at which point the overal volume (Mod Notes included) is turned down ā€¦ Well, OK.
When you turn the volume knob in Mod Notes mode, it sets the volume of the currently selected Mod Noteā€¦ again until a certain point, at which the overall volume is turned down.
I find this behaviour a bit strange and already reported my feeling to Norand but they prefer to keep it that way. They probably have good reasons to do so.