Nord Leads

For me they are what 80s vintage synths are to many people. They were heavily featured on some albums that were very influential to me e.g. Autechres LP5 or NIN Fragile


This is correct

It is also influenced by the type of wave you will be using on the 2 Oscs

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It’s only running virus B and C at the moment , and needs a hefty cpu.

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How do you assign the filter to filter a layer of 4 let s say (master filter like)? Thanks!

Are you talking about Multi Focus?

“Multi Focus allows you to
change settings simultane-
ously on all the active Slots in
a performance (or a multi-Slot
scenario). Press Multi Focus
and all the active Slot’s LEDs
will flash. Any parameter
change you make on the
panel will affect all the Slots.”


I guess… Yes!

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Is there something that can t be achieved in the oscillator section of A1 that it can on the Nord Lead 4?

NL4 advantages are soft sync, more FM.


You have greater specific control over the NL4’s two oscillators compared to the A1’s single exposed oscillator. From the Sound On Sound review of the A1:

Although the A1 produces 47 initial waveforms (including analogue-type waves, tines, bells, clavinets, drawbar organs and vocal formants) and offers eight ‘unique Oscillator Configuration Shortcuts’ that include detuned dual oscillators, hard sync via a hidden oscillator, AM and FM amongst others, it has just three controls for all of these options; one to select the configuration, one to select the wave and one to control the chosen configuration’s single parameter.


Yes and No, because something that may be so simple to achieve with a traditional workflow (L4) can sometimes be very un-obvious in the A1.
Also, haven’t touched my A1 for 2 years so not entirely sure, but osc detune in the A1 only goes in the +ve direction (or is it -ve?) but not both. however you can always layer slots to get the intervals/detune you need.

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I was comparing the raw waveforms of my Nord 3 recently on an oscilloscope and there is a sharp spike at the top of the sawtooth and sharp spikes at the ends of each pulse which would add more high end sizzle. My guess is that Clavia simply designed the software to produce waves like that to give it the characteristic cutting sound.

Let’s say can u have 2 oscillators at 2 octave difference and fm them?
Or detune 2 oscillators and fm them?
… in Nord Lead A1?

If I layer 2 oscillators, can I detune or fm them or anything… or just have one on top of the other? …in A1 that is.

You might just be seeing Gibbs Effect.

It’s something you see with band-limited (i.e. aliasing limited) waveforms.

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Page 22 of the manual answers your questions in great detail

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Not really… you mainly have an osc … I meant if I layer sounds.
What is written… from what I understand seems more limited than say the 2X…

Sounds or oscillators? Important distinctions.

You want to FM one sound against another?

No Nord can do that. But oscillators can modulate other oscillators. A1 has two oscillators.


Been a scary past few days.

NL3R wouldn’t power up. Right as I was finishing a track.

Looked up which fuse to replace. Went to hardware store. Bought a pair. Powering up it blew them both.

With some investigation, I came to discover “slow blow” fuses aren’t common at hardware stores, and it was 50/50 I had the wrong fuse (“fast acting”) or there was a PSU issue that would require annoying and costly repair.

Ordered 5pc slow blow 250ma on Amazon.

In the meantime I remade the patch from the track in progress in my NL4 KB. Came to find out there are a few subtle distinctions I appreciate about the NL3, namely the mod envelope’s destinations (can add a lot of action to the filter EG), and the different slope options in the bandpass filter.

Also learned (again) how much I love the filter drive and impulse morphs in the NL4.

Anyway, a couple days later the slow blow fuses arrive, and so far so good. I have it plugged into a UPS battery backup now too, to avoid any surges or power losses.


This thread got bumped at the right time! I just did something potentially blasphemous: traded my NL1 keyboard for a Nord Rack 2X and Meris Polymoon. I found that I wasn’t using the keyboard because it was too big for gigs and I had some psychological thing against having a synth with a keyboard that I’d only ever really sequence externally.

Anyway, the 2X sounds amazing, and it turns out that the gritty sound I’d previously attributed to the aliasing of the NL1 DSP was just the natural behaviour of the FM and sync.


This is good to know. After my NL2 died and I recently sold my NL1, I’d been wondering if the 2x would scratch the same itch. The architecture and 4x outputs of the NL2 and therefore NL2x really does make for a nifty studio workhorse. I just would be hesitant to get another NL2 after mine suffered a pretty weird demise.
There’s just sooooo much internet hype about the mojo of the Pelle models. Though I think I recall someone on Gearspace doing a pretty thorough knockdown on this topic in regard to NL1/2 vs NL3?