Note off record

Just ordered an Octatrack - I owned one a few years ago, probably a couple OS updates back. Just wondering if the OT has note off record now… or does recorded note length still have to be set manually after on trig?

Do you mean this?:

List of changes from Octatrack DPS-1 OS 1.21B to 1.22

The MIDI sequencer now supports live recording of the note length.

Trigs are inserted into the pattern when Notes ON are received, and their lengths are parameter locked when Notes OFF are received.

The MIDI sequencer now locks velocity and note length via external MIDI keyboard in grid record mode.

Also, the mechanism handling locking and unlocking of additional notes has been improved.


This also means that, if you do a MIDI loopback, you can use MIDI tracks to play/control the internal tracks - thus also live record note length for those. The added benefit is also that you then get the notes separated from the automation data, something I find incredibly useful.

Nice! I can see that would be very useful to be able to change notes on a separate track from non note p-locks. cool. You could easily then interchange note patterns keeping the same p-locks, etc. or vice versa.