Note Slides finally make sense (aka almost through my A4 out a window)

Note slides never made sense to me and I finally just discovered what I think the manual totally missed the mark on and didn’t include:
A slide doesn’t occur until you reach the second note!!
I read the manual several times and also looked up posts on here and nothing helped. Here’s what the manual says:
- a note slide trig is placed on the same step as a note trig, the pitch of the previous note trig will slide. For instance, if a track contains two note trigs and a note slide trig is placed on the same step as the second note trig, the pitch of the first note trig will slide to the pitch of the second note trig.

All I wanted to do was make a smooth note slide from a higher pitch to a lower pitch, like the opposite of a “riser” or like the whistle sound you hear in a movie when bombs are being dropped down.

The manual made me think if I had a note on Trig 1 (E5) and a note on Trig 16 (E3) I would just need to put a “Slide Trig” on Trig 16 and the note on Trig 1 would smoothly slide to the note on Trig 16. WRONG!

The note slide doesn’t actually occur until you get to the second note. So to do what I needed, I had to do the following:
Note on Trig 1 (E5) and a Note on Trig 2 (E3) microtimed as far left as possible (so it happens immediately after the first trig). I placed a note slide on Trig 2 and adjusted the LEN (on Note Page) and SLI (OSC2 2nd page) to taste.

Maybe I just think different then most but I believe the manual was very misleading and poorly explaining this feature. For years I just gave up on note slides and used the Parameter Slide function with the OSC’s Tune parameters which does work the way the manual explains it.

Hopefully this will save someone a lot of time as I was determined to master it today and I’m embarrassed to say how long it took me to finally get it.