Novation Circuit + Octatrack = Match?

Anyone using Circuit and octatrack together? Are they a great couple? :slight_smile:

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Yes and Yes!

Using Circuit to quickly create the main theme and variations—beats, bass, melodies and pads—that I sample into OT. There I create tons of remixes that I chain together via the Arranger. For analog oomph I route tracks out to the OTO Biscuit.

Each makes up for the other’s deficiencies. They’re in love, and they make the most beautiful babies together!


I have that exact combo too, + a MIDI Controller. I’ve programmed few sounds on Circuit, so I understand each macro. Then it’s like having more machines in the OT, it depends about the Program Change you send.

I usually do not use the Circuit sequencer, I use the OT one, because I can p-lock the Circuit macros (and CC if you need). But when I think it’s going to be easier, I use the Circuit sequencer. STILL, if I use the Circuit Sequencer, I can use the parameter locks on the OT.

The Circuit it’s like adding 4 drums and 2 synths, and I still have 6 free tracks in the OT (+1 Thru for Circuit + Track 8 as master).

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That’s awesome. I own two circuits but no octatrack. I joined the forum because I will be purchasing the OT once they are in stock. I’ll probably sell my second circuit once I have the OT.

I haven’t used Circuit with OT yet (hope to be getting an OT in the next few months) but I’ve enjoyed playing it with the Machinedrum or Monomachine. Sometimes it’s too much work still for me to use :elmm: and :elmd: together, so the Circuit or a Volca sometimes comes in to provide easier drums when using Monomachine; or easier synth parts when using Machinedrum. I didn’t really expect this when I got the Circuit but it’s worked out surprisingly well.

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Got a bit of GAS for a Circuit. But already having Maschine, Ableton, Octatrack and all the other Elektrons, I can’t really see how I justify it. Especially considering I’m selling a Mininova because I don’t rate the way it sounds. And the synths in the Circuit are just the Mininova, right?


The Circuit is a strong tool for writing music.

But you’ll tire of it sounds, eventually.

Apparently same engine for Circuit and Mininova.
I’ll buy a Circuit when my son is 5, in one year. :wink:

Thanks. Balls to it then. Saved myself £250 just in time for Christmas.

Must be fact :pl:

Well I’m certainly tired of the Mininova!

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The most of synths can bore you with time. For the price, Circuit as bi-timbral synth is really a solid option, like the Blofeld.

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Yes I have a Blofeld and love it.

Me too but now I have an A4. External input !

Circuit and OT have been joined by microSampler, iPad and an Oto Biscuit to add analog goodness. TONS of sound-generating and sound-mangling possibilities.

As others have said in this thread, you do tire of Circuit’s sounds but that’s where the OT saves the day by making source material unrecognizable: RTRG+RTIM, LFOs, effects, slices… C’mon, guys, don’t tell me you’re using your OT as just another sampler?

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Try the Ultranova. Quick and easy to program if you don´t want to sit infront of the editor for the Circuit all the time. One more OSC (3 total with more osc types than the Circuit), 3 LFOs (with more setting than Circuit), 6 Envelopes, 20 mod matrix routes and all 8 knobs work as modulation touch points. It´s a beast! Definitely on the Blofeld level even though the only thing missing would be FM and comb filter but considering it´s cheaper than the Blo and way lighter to carry around, it´s definitely a keep. The downside though is that the keyboard can´t be spit into two or more patches at the time.

Last night I finally connected these two to let the Octatrack sequence the Circuit as I prep for a live show. The Circuit’s sequencers and playback options are OK but I think the patterns (especially with individual track lengths) of the :elot: will serve me better live where I’m leery of things looping too much. It’s a combination of treating the Circuit as a module, but also taking advantage of its ‘scales’ features and pads for recording in melodic sketches into the Octatrack.

For those tiring of the sounds, Isotonik now has a ‘patch store’ with some fairly cheap sound packs for purchase. I got the ‘pandas shall fly’ one which is really noisy and fun. Ultimately I hope to spend some more time in the editor refining sounds from that pack and the built-in one to better suit my needs. Terekith has a nice video out there about using the Isotonik editor to tweak built-in (or other) sounds as opposed to just trying to write your own from scratch, which was what I was trying to do.

I keep wanting a general-purpose poly synth module and keep forgetting that with a just a little bit of work, there’s quite a world inside of this box that really can pair up well with the Elektrons.

Great combination!
I was just about to sell my Citcuit, due to some rage-quit issues i har regarding the Isotonic (free)editor, but changed my mind as soon as i hooked it up to my octatrack, and fiddled around with the CC parameters. A REALLY neat, fast and creative 2 piece setup!

Just ordered a dirt cheap circuit, and am digging this thread.

Not really a fan of the ‘novation’ sound, but with a store and samples, I reckon I’ll get more mileage out of it than I expect.

I’m interested in this combo as well. The hardest part for me with octatrack is to create melodic parts especially since I can’t really play keyboards. The scales fun toon of the circuit really interests me! Plus I noticed from my playing that most of the time I only need 4 basic drum sequences for the core drum beat so the 4 drum tracks on the circuit could fill this well also.

Octatrack could be used more to sample the novation live plus also sequence other samples like chords or stuff and more complex percussion.

I’m gonna try to borrow a friend’s circuit and try it out

Hopefully I’ll be the missing part of my setup.