OCTA + Mnm

Hi all !

I have a small issue which I can’t solve by myself :frowning:

I have 1 OT wich is sending sync to another OT and a MnM…

The problem is that when play with my master OT the parameters on the MnM change as well !!

for example if i move the crossfader to the right the pitch of the SAW ENS on the MnM change or if I press function + track in the OT the MnM change Kit…

I know is something with the settings but I still did not figure it out which one…

thank you !!!

Go into the global settings and change the base midi chans.
The problem though, is that the OT eats up 8 chans. So, if your second OT just needs clock set it up like this (MnM will still get the clock):

OT1: midi chans 1-8
MnM: 9-whatever
OT2: you can leave this as whatever and just turn off its reponse to incoming midi cc data

If you just need clock on all machines, then turn off the midi cc response on both machines and don’t worry about changing any midi chans.

Hey thx so much for your help !

I just set midi channels of the MnM from 9 upwards…

Now there is no any channel for autotrig in the MnM but should not be an issue…

What about in the future if when I move the crossefader of the master OT or even the second I would like to change some specifically setting on the MnM?

thank you :slight_smile:

Can anyone answer to my last question please?

thanks a lot !!!