OctaChainer v1.3_

just tested to run windows version on linux (ubuntu studio) with wine. works perfectly. thanks so much for this program

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Hi Folks, Noob to the forum here and sorry to bump an older thread.

Anyways I love Octa Chainer so first off thank you to all that had time and input into its creation. Truly is a game changer for my style and tastes in production.

Ok so I have a slight snag that i’m working round at the moment. I’m getting a click noise on my samples. Figured my choice of beats were maybe too sporadic so i decided to work on some cleaner cuts.
still getting it though.
Each sample on import is exactly one bar time stretched to the correct bpm (i use maschine so its all done in there for me) all samples are the same volume.

the ‘fade in / fade out’ doesn’t seem to be doing much but turning attack up to 12 helps deaden it a bit. Is this purely down to my samples being slightly out of sync or am i missing something?

Cheers for your time!


Out of sync loops?
How many loops do you use?
Do they have a kind of groove?
(I almost timestretch all beats)
Doesn’t seem to work above 16 loops.

Hey Sezare, cheers for the quick reply.
I produce hip hop and break beat style music but wanted to head down the more Amon Tobin style route. The sample matrix thread was like a key to unlocking the random awesomeness of Tobins beats.

So far I’ve used octa chainer in mega break mode with 16 1 bar loops all at 84 bpm 60% breaks 20% d&b (@168bpm) 10% bass lines and the final 10% Foley samples


I think your loops at 168 bpm should be 2 bars, and the bass / Foley ones same length (1 bar at 84 bpm or 2 bars at 168 bpm).

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I just halve the d&b loops as I only need a quick in and out of them.
This might seem like an odd question but I’m still trying to get my head round the way this works.
If one sample is out of sync would it cause an issue across the other 15 loops?


I think so.
All samples should have EXACTLY the same length. Check them all (length in samples unit). I guess you should double the length of the 168 bpm loops, not halve.

Using Windows 10, default laptop audio (Conexant Smart Audio HD), is anyone not getting audio playback from the play preview in OC1.3?

Anything I ought to be checking? Other audio plays fine.

i even uninstalled the drivers and went back to the HD Audio provided by MSFT.

Hi everyone,
First of all thanks @sezare56 for making this!

Im having trouble using the megabreak mode. I got to make it work just perfectly once, preparing the sample chains with no effort.
Now I’m trying again with some similar loops, but I’m getting inconsistent slicing. One of the slices length is zero, used to be slice 16 and now its 3, which means that one of the positions of the slider produces no sound or just short farts.
I’ve tried a lot of different stuff to make sure it wasnt my fault or that the OT was somehow mixing up ot files with whatever is in memory, but to no success.
I’ll give it a couple more shots, but if feel like it might be a bug.

I’ve uploaded the original files and the output of octachainer so someone can check it out.

Thx in advance!
Anyone encountered the same problem?

Now its acting differently, its trimming the ends of the files so the lenght of the loop when i load it in OT is 1.87 instead of 2 bars. Just in case this is relevant.

Hi. Making what?! @Abhoth did Octachainer! :content:

Equal length samples? (Required)
Above 16 samples and / or 16 slices it seems to be buggy.


My bad. Thanx @Abhoth!

All samples are the same length and there are only 16 of them.

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Hi, just came across a new update for the great Octachainer app, here’s the link:


Nice! I gave up on it because couldn’t drag and drop and had a few bugs, might try again

I was actually going to use the older OctaChainer today :slight_smile:

Thanks for the link!

I can’t imagine not having Octachainer. I haven’t run into any problems with the previous version but nice to see an update. Many thanks to the dev for this essential tool.

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Nice. Thanks @roadmoviemusic and of course @Abhoth who updated his firmware.

Megabreak fixed, yes…

Listen to their album “Comfort in the Echo” or follow Tic Tic on Facebook.


1.3.1 not working for me on MacOS 10.13, instant app crash when I click create :frowning:

1.3.0 working fine for exactly the same task!

edit:maybe because I’m using non-OT specific settings, eg. 120 slice mono chain

Hello everyone, I haven’t been around for quite a while, but nice seeing you again. :slight_smile:

I have only access to a Catalina MBP, so not sure what OSes the mac version runs on. If there are issues with older OSes I’ll see what I can do to fix it.

I was able to create a 120 slice chain in gridmode on my machine, but only with “create .ot file” unchecked. It shouldn’t have been able to have that checked with more than 64 slices in the first place. Don’t know if that was your issue, @djenzyme? (thanks for the bug report over at the blog, btw)


I’m currently using non Octatrack specific settings, not what I usually use but these same settings work OK in 1.3.0.

I’ll test some Octatrack chains and let you know the results :slight_smile:

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