OctaChainer v1.3_

I got you some exposure my dear :tongue:

Ahem yeah I know the video is really ugly and you would have made something way better, but it already took me 3 hours to do this crappy 2mn thing.
Loopop wouldn’t share the OT sample chains I created for his contest without a video :sweat_smile:

My regards to Irene!


Nice, thank you! Very much appreciated. :slight_smile:

Irene says hi (we returned from Lyon the other day, btw, but KLM lost our luggage with all the cheese :cry: )


Sweet & Thanks @Abhoth & @LyingDalai (for spreading the vid/word).

Will put them chains in the OT tonight and see what happens.


Damn! I too had trouble with cheese in Lyon airport back in the days…
I was stolen a very finely matured St Marcelin by the airport security, like it was some kind of explosive.

And KLM also had trouble with my luggage at some point

I’m in Rennes, in Brittany, now!
You’re still both welcome!!


I’m finding this really useful, but I’m getting clicks in about one in every ten samples, when I make a chain with eg 63 one shot samples, and with “normalise slices” on. It goes away if I have no normalisation., but I really want normalisation! Turning down the gain doesn’t help, and the clicks are in the middle of the sound (anywhere in the middle), not the beginning or end, so the fade in and out selections won’t help.

Am I alone? MacOS 10.14.

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You can normalise (or add gain 3 db at a time) on individual slices easily on the OT and overwrite the settings file.

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I am getting a “zero file len” error on some chains a made for Ableton recordings when I load them into a flex slot.

I think it might be that my Ableton files are 48k not 44.1k, but I don’t know. Any pointers?

Try making it 44k … I know it’s obvious but will take seconds to find out instead of waiting hours for a response.

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I am just away from OT next couple days, so I asked to see if this was known issue with set solution.

Will test out over weekend

Ok, retried my chains. Converted files to 44.1k, create a file that loads as a chain into OT, but it is silent. Individual files sound fine, but my chain is silent.

I am on a new computer, but does is this an issue anyone else has had?

Are you in mac or pc ?
Which os ?
V1.3.1 ?
Fixed slices or sample length based ?

Also there’s a list of known bugs , perhaps it’s one of those ?

If all else fails I’d make chains in ableton at fixed sizes and create the slices on device.

I am on a WIndow 10 PC. My Octachainer just says 1.3

Fixed length out of Ableton is probably smartest anyway. That is where i process stuff to start with, so that skips a step.


Hey there,

I’ve been experiencing this weird 44 bytes issue on MACOS, intel architecture. I’m trying to achieve the mega break trophy.

I’ve read on GitHub that spaces in the file names and AIFF extensions were a problem users could deal with, so I made sure no spaces were included I in a folder away from Ableton exportation path (Freeze and Flatten from Ableton makes .WAV that aren’t recognized by the Octatrack /!)

So instead it made 246ko wav breaks sounding very weird once I played them back.
Made sure the input files were the same sample length! Same BPM, same structure.

Next I’m trying on Windows to see how it’s behaving.

I’m still getting clicks when using normalise feature in octachainer, I think it’s the same thing raised in this github issue.

i’m conflicted about where to do most of my sample processing? i got a bunch of multi tracks in Ableton, and i debate if i should time-strech them in ableton, or do in in OT? for now i keep my machines at 124bpm because i’m making house/disco type live PA, i’m conflicted about getting best results, not so much into “low fi” but i’m already cutting in Ableton, is the time warp algo in OT just not made for my purpose?

Timestretch algo in OT is way more primitive than Ableton. I’m still using 9 and even that is noticeably less prone to artifacts. Would def recommend doing preliminary stretching ITB personally

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i like how you think, seems like 99% of people want them artifacts, me not so much.

Don’t get me wrong, you can get some great sounds out of OT timestretch, but I’d rather have the option of messing with it later instead of relying on it for utility

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Yes, especially with RATE in TSTR mode ! I’ve never been a timestretch fan even with softwares, but I found it not so bad working on loops with OT only, matching tempo and pitch with several loops.
I made a phase opposition test : no loss if the tempo is the original one. Same if the pitch match a different tempo. And of course it works better if the tempo is faster than original tempo.

But, with samples having significant tempo variations, I prefer to use a DAW grid with a timestretch tool, magnetic snap mode (I use Samplitude). Then I can export all audio objects to Octachainer. I also made 64 different pitches sample chains.


same here, version 1.3.1 no working on MacOS 10.13