This has been covered in bits and pieces in other threads, but I thought I’d ask again in case there are any new discoveries I missed. I’m a longtime OT user but usually for 1-off things. I’m trying a new computer less setup and want to set it up to be “ready to go.” My plan is to have a “frozen” setup and then record tons of improvisations over several months and see what falls out.
My goal for the OT is to turn it on and have it ready to play with no setup, and then to have everything tidy when I shut it down for the evening. I’m trying to organize a “mise en place” setup with a few choice pieces of gear and basically want everything ready to go with the flick of a switch.
It seems like the main thing with the OT is to have a template with all my preferred settings and have all my routings ready to go in it and in my mixer. Then, when I start a new session each day, “save as” and go from there.
The one exception I can think of is if I’m only doing live sampling into flex machines, I wouldn’t need to save as, as the recordings would be wiped every time I turned off the OT, right?
But–are there other things I should be considering?
Also, what are people’s standard practices for saving things they’ve sampled into OT?
Note: I’m not looking for explanations of others’ templates, as I think I know most of the settings I want. It’s really about use of templates and other good habits for multi-month projects.
Correct, they will only save if you save them manually.
I don’t see any issues with your proposed set up, other than any sequencing that you do and any track settings, parts etc will be cached, so a clean start is not really possible unless you save the project when setting it up, then reload that each time you start a new session.
The content of the record buffers will be wiped, yes. But nevertheless: I wouldn’t work with the template itself. If really nothing got changed I can re-use the cloned project later on.
And, BTW: a template doesn’t need to be restricted to a single functionality. Since I never use all banks of my projects, my template(s) contain different (utility) setups in the higher banks. This way I don’t need to switch projects that often.
Another idea following on from @tnussb idea of using 1 project for multiple templates (a great idea!) is to use arranger REM command to say which bank is which template. Eg: A-8 F(lex), B-4T(thru)4S((tatic) etc. You can have quite a lot of rows to allow enough to cover all the templates (for each part/bank)
Assign to Self can be useful to rename with numbers indeed, but after you have to clear the slot when you want to use different part / banks and have no recordings in the buffer.
Same problem with Save All Recordings.
Samples are all Assigned to Self, no choice. You have to clear all slots one by one for a new clean sampling session…
I’d like to have the choice. !
@Schnork also use templates with different parts available for copy / paste.
I made my template for one bank with 4 identical parts, and copied banks with the OT File Manager :
Original file copied in another folder without banks. Use Workspaces.
It takes about 5 minutes max to delete / copy / paste / rename.
A workaround to keep names and have “empty” recordings would be to record silence (no record ABCD SRC3 source).
I thought about this for live situations.
Transition pattern(s) cleaning buffers…
Other request : clear all buffers setting, you would activate on certain patterns (as SILENCE TRACKS is implemented).
I’m still getting my head around the saving of live recordings. It seems like I can use “save all” if it’s at the end of a session and I use a new set the next time I play. But I may run into issues if I use the same set the next time I play, correct?
But for the template, I could save and assign to self and clear, and then have my naming conventions ready to go, right?
Thanks. I see why you say that. But, the suggestion above seemed to be about setting up a template and having my slots “pre-named” (I just add a number) to speed up the saving of recorded samples. Is there still a way to do that with the method you recommend?