Octatrack 64 breakbeat x 16 slices megabreak of doom:

I would love an Ableton version, can’t believe no one took you up on this!

You can prepare megabreak samples with @Abhoth’s Octachainer.


Thanks, but the post I was replying to involved an Ableton only version of this technique, no Octatrack needed.

Yep. But if it can symplify the time consuming sample chain process, I think it worth it even for Ableton.

How is slice editing/control on Ableton ?

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Here ya go! It is pretty rough and ready. I haven’t played with it in a while, apart from the 5 minute fiddle I had to put this together. I can explain the process (try to remember at least) if you have any questions. Memory is a bit vague but I am pretty sure I figured out a couple of different methods to approach this. I found (always find) the devil is in the details of sample preparation. Linked is a zipped Ableton file, with samples collected and saved. Have fun!


Thank you! Will play with this once I get it on my Ableton 11 machine. Any broad-stroke tips or tricks? Is it obvious what to do when I open the project? Thanks!

thanks @wascal for the idea & files to help us get started. only got my OT a week ago and this project helped me understand it a bunch (although did take me 3 to days wrap my head around the megabreak concept alone!). anyways figured would celebrate it appropriately by playing it w/ some DOOM. cheers!


I learned about this from the messy desk a while back, got a little frustrated when trying to work with my own samples because of the sheer amount of work it took to organize and etc. I can’t believe I’m just finding out about this tool now, will give another go

It should also be posible in PO-33 K.O. using the melodic to rythm method and lots of patience.

I don’t know how, this is no way to change slices with a knob or fx on PO33.

Now it is possible with Digitakt.

You can do the matrix with Octachainer.

Yes that’s what I’m alluding to in my comment.

Ah ok wasn’t clear to me at first.
Once I did the matrix with OT !


Would you mind walking through that one? :slight_smile:

I made this before @Abhoth made a Megabreak mode for Octachainer, so I’d recommend to do it with it. Well if you insist, I can help if you seriously begin to try it.

And…since realised that you can switch slots synced by an lfo, I’d rather use that method to switch loops (no Megabreak matrix needed)
More obvious at the end of the video with dnb loops…