Octatrack being friends with Nord Modular G2

Hi everyone,

I’ve run into an issue with the Octatrack controlling a NM G2. Anyone here who owns this combo and i could ask to test something?



You can ask …

Great, thanks!

I want to reset the clock generator (G2) by sending it a pulse coming out of the Midi controller receive module in the G2, but that doesn’t seem to work… The idea is to reset/restart a sequencer in the G2 by sending a controller change coming from a sequence in my Octatrack.

So i’ve put a note with a CC on the first step of a sequence in the OT, but nothing happens in the G2.

Any ideas?



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In principle it should work. I will try it.

Are you confident that the OT is sending the CC message as intended? Can you send a Note message from the OT to the G2 satisfactorily?

Do you see anything on the ‘Val’ output of the CtrlRcv module?

I assume you’re using the internal clock on the G2?

Stab in the dark (I don’t have a G2) but I think the Octatrack ignores CC messages that have the same value as the last one, i.e. it doesn’t bother to transmit them. A note is probably a better fit for this purpose, but you could also just sent different CC values.

I’ve hooked up the OT to Max, and there i see all the correct cc info coming in, so i guess i’m doing this right, as far as the OT is concerned.

And the G2 slaves to the OT, so i’m using external clock as the master for the G2.

I didn’t check yet if something is coming out of the value output, will try to do so now.

Thanks for the help!


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Yeah and the G2 might be doing the converse, filtering out identical CC messages on the input.

@peter: There’s different values coming out of the CtrlRcv module, so it’s definitely receiving something.

@license: the problem persists, even with a sequence full of different values.

Cheers guys


I asked about this because in the screenshot that you helpfully posted, you have the Clock Source for the ClkGen module set to ‘Internal’, whereas I would think for your application that you might want to set it to ‘Master Clock’ in order to act on the OT’s clock.

Yeah, sorry for the confusion, definitely using the G2 as a slave.


I’ve tried with a note this time, but to no avail… (see attachment).

the clock’s too fast for you to meaningfully reset it - try resetting the sequencer - plus keep in mind that some manufacturers adopt different C reference numbers - so put an env on that note detect to debug the note

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Hi avantronica,

You’re a champ, resetting the sequencer instead of the clock did the trick. Didn’t have to change anything, i just needed to connect the gate output from the note detect to the sequencer’s reset input and bingo!

Thanks a million.

And also a big thank you to the others for allowing me to waste your time.



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No probs, now just sell me that G2 :wink: I have Midi-In envy, but happy with the G1 sound

Ain’t gonna happen, it’s such a sexy combo i couldn’t do without :slight_smile:

yeah - will never part with my G1k/micro and wish i’d got the G2k before the s/h prices became twice the last new prices; broke anyway : (

It’s ridiculous how much they’re asking these days. I bought mine for € 1000 4 years ago. Already quite a lot, but i’ve seen € 1800 recently…

A great machine though, but…

And yes, broke. Our fate…

Yeah, the combo of OT and G2 is really huge.

Beware of the Note Number thing mentioned earlier in the thread!

There´s an offset by one or two octaves (don´t remember which). Had me stumped for a long time when I first tried this combo. Had bidirectional MIDI connection (but no automate module), some specific modules to control certain parameters in the OT. Pressed play, and suddenly all kinds of things happened on the OT (successively switching tracks, mute on/off etc). Found out that the notes that I sent to control stuff in OT, where totally offset despite having the same name/number…

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…in response regarding G2 prices nowadays:

It will be very interesting to see the evolution of the Axoloti Core project, development of hardware/software and its userbase. I haven´t had time to install drivers nor find any enclosure for my board yet. But the whole project is very interesting nonetheless.

Didn´t really feel any need for it since I do have my OT and my G2. But I just rather wanted to support that kind of products/projects.

I haven’t had time to get started with mine, either. I just made some holes in the anti-static bag it came in, called it an enclosure and then did a quick test to check that it worked. The plan was to use it as a small pet for the OT, but now that it has MPE support it will probably be a nice sound source for the Eigenharp as well.