Octatrack challenge #251

Drink two beers, take a bong hit, and try to record, trim, edit, and correctly save a sample.

The winner gets to use the sample in a piece of music.

Ha, sorry. It’s just been a while since I’ve had time to spend with the OT and the previously described combo almost had me in tears.

Still love her though!!

I have failed this test too many times!

TBH, I have probably lost 15-20% of the work I have put into the OT. Yes, it is my own fault. Yes, it is not “that” difficult to save work. What it is not, at least to me, is intuitive.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming Elektron for my inability to follow a few relatively simple keystrokes to avoid losing work. It would just be nice if the process was a little simpler, i.e. beer and bong rip friendly;)

A function+button combo that saves all record buffers to empty flex/static slots would be superb, and would allow me to turn off my machine more frequently. I tend to leave it on when short on time to save.

I’m on the fence with the ‘saving’ side of OT. It can feel like a hassle sometimes, it’s more long-winded than my sp555 for example, but it’s no slower than saving/naming samples in a Daw, or presets on a synth. I can’t imagine myself needing to leave mine turned on cos I don’t have time to save the buffers & /or Projects/Parts etc!? Unless I’m missing something that’s never gonna take more than a couple of minutes max right?

I like the sound of the challenge hahah :slight_smile: although at my age I’m not sure a bong is a good idea anymore.

I have no problem saving on the OT , takes a couple of button pushes. I’m sorry but I Can’t understand anybody that does.

All I do.

Every time I sample, I immediately save, then I load and edit, I’ve always got the original in storage that way.

The buffers are great so long as you remember they are just buffers, for me it’s no problem as I work as above.

Maybe more bongs will help you? Perhaps add a little acid to create some paranoia so that you are saving tracks too much just in case :slight_smile:

Haha OT on acid! Could be interesting :wink: or the worst trip ever!

Last time I smoked before a session with the OT, I managed to delete a whole track… At least I was in a chill mood

Yup, depends on which way it went :slight_smile:
Oh god I’m thinking of squishy buttons and strange polyrhythms now

My problem is always forgetting to save the part(s) associated with the track edits I’ve done.

The actual record buffer samples and overall project save are pretty straightforward 9although naming samples is still a relative PITA).

It’s the part save that kills me.

Hey oldgearguy,

Thanks for the help on the GS forum the other day about wiring the oscillators.

Don’t you save parts etc as you go?

Whenever I create a new part that has any important pieces In it I make a save straight away.

It sounds overkill but as soon as I progress anywhere I duplicate my bank as well. That way I’ve always got a steady state to refer back to in case anything gets screwed up.

It’s not like we don’t have enough available so I just made that conscious decision a long time ago.



You’re welcome. Glad to try and help out folks that are curious.
Even though I’ve had an OT (or 2) for a number of years, changing the pitch or timestretch amount on a track doesn’t automatically trigger warning bells in my head that the part has changed.
That’s just an association that never made sense to me I guess.

Hmm, yes i suppose it’s a bit weird sometimes how it manages it, for me it was just making it second nature that the part is all encompassing. Tbh I make any changes by p-lock by habit so I know the actual track is always there how I want it. I know that’s perhaps not perfect, it just seems to me that way makes sense.
I’ve not struggled with parts at all, I know it’s had people flummoxed and I was warned by a few but I seemed to grasp that side automatically. I just dropped everything I knew and was used to and just turned into a god damn robot that matches the instructions :slight_smile: , seems to have worked so far fingers crossed, but I’m waiting for the day when I’ve slipped up. No doubt it’ll be when I least want it.

Haha. 86 the alcohol, and leave ur machine on. done