Octatrack fx vs Heat

Does somebody uses the Analog Heat with the Octa ? Does it worth the super expensive price instead of using the Octa’s internal FX ?

Yes. Analog filters and distortions are really different and oviously better to my taste.
Add envelope follower and lfos and it becomes really original.

If you just want distortion I’d consider Analog Drive.


Slightly OT in the OT forum: I think I’m going to get a AH for my Octa (am on topic now ;-), can get a MkI for around 350€ used, and MkII retails for 650€, I didn’t find a used one yet. Worth the price difference?

Dammit, I can’t afford to buy an Analog Heat, but all this talk of them is making it harder for me to avoid thinking about it DX

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I’ve wanted one for quite some time… I love the way samples sound on AR through some yummy analog circuitry… Bring a little of that to the Octa… Plus master filter with envelope and lfo, midi control from OT. :yum:

I can’t afford one at the moment either @tengig, we’ll live… If it’s our our destiny we’ll have one one way or another eventually… :smile: (If your listening Universe, I also kinda want a Digitone. :smiley:)


Digitone is so great. Totally in love with mine.


[I put this in what seems the right place…]


I have AH2 on OT outputs with DN into AB. I like that setup. OT direct out can sound a bit mmmm to me. When I can be arsed i sample into OT thru AH. That gives the best results but means moving a few cables around which somehow results in watching a shite horror movie instead.

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Apparently just a screen / display différence.
I wouldn’t hesitate to buy the MKI at that price.

Grab a good mixer and you don’t have to rewire… Samplings where the funs at, for me anyway…


But I like shite horror movies…


Depending on user Octatrack itself is either a top notch fantasy film or a shite horror movie. :smile:


OT internal FX can’t come anywhere remotely close to what AH can do. OT can do an excellent amount and interesting qualities of different saturation and distortion but they are in a completely different (digital) realm than AH

didn’t really understand the value for myself it when it came out, and it was quite some time before I even considered to get one, but I now consider AH a fantastic design, fitting perfectly in the Elektron range as a pairing with any of the purely digital boxes. It is also rather modular given that it has two assignable CV inputs and a built-in envelope follower. Really pulls its weight in a wide variety of applications


Agree. It adds character to OT. IMO this makes up the gap in SQ for OT.

Yeah, I came to the same conclusion. That envelope follower… So I’m hunting for one right now. I have an official dealer nearby, got a great deal on my OT, I’ll try again on the AH :wink: but if a good deal on a used MkI shows up before I’ll take the plunge for sure

Is interesting but I found it deceiving with filter destination, compared to a regular envelope filter guitar fx. Not smooth enough. You can smooth it with attack decay, but it seems pretty hard to get natural results.

More interesting results on drive / level, lfo multiplier, negative or not…

Another grief : no enough gain compared to a guitar pedal, if you want destroyed drums. Works really well with Analog Drive.

AH works really well with guitars, better than AD IMHO. Much less noise, great Octavia Fuzz fx (Round Up).

But my AD is on my guitar pedalboard… I have already soooo much routing going on that I don’t see myself making my guitar pedalboard completely patchable too. If I get a AH it’ll be patched into the mixer, probably as an insert into a submix. But you’re right, the AD is super-noisy with higher gain settings, in a not-so-pleasant way, especially with single coils

I see me doing that, tricky! :smile:
Btw, I’ve no setup. Anyway it’s really interesting to compare the big differences between AH and AD, for different purposes. :slight_smile:

My keyboard player friend is currently designing a new pedalboard, a mostly permanent yet removable patchbay underneath has been talked about a lot… :slight_smile:

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Tried it today, I just plugged a send into my pedalboard, you are right, this is pretty cool on drums! I switched on my bass preamp (tube inside) and my cab sim (IR’s) too, got some very very cool sounding results. Bass preamp added super nice round and huge bottom to the kick. Makes me think that I can load any sort of impulse in my cab sim. (Note to self: try that asap!) But I am supposed to play guitar and bass live, so I’ll still get the Heat (need to sell some old stuff first, though :frowning: ). But I am planning to sample some grooves with that processing chain, maybe a small collection of individual hits too. Nice!