Octatrack + LEPLOOP

Heyo All,

Unsure of how many out there own the LEPLOOP and if this is possible but I’m trying to play the LEPLOOP’s synth through the Octatrack.

Is this not possible b/c LEP already has it’s own built in sequencer?

I tried creating an Audio and Midi track for the LEPLOOP, and selected the correct MIDI channel but no luck.

let me know if im buggin or if anything can be done.

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You should be able to. Did you check the last page of the manual? It goes over midi implementation. Channel 1 for notes and then you have to set trigs to fire the env or s&h. You could also try emailing Tony Light. He might have more info.


Must be possible. Surgeon does exactly that here :


Have you managed to send midi to any other device using the OT ?

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yeah i peeped the manual and have tried setting channel to 1 but no luck :confused:

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haven’t tried sending anything else yet via midi, have limited equipment on me atm.

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I’m not 100%, but didn’t he just sync the Lep clock and then ran the audio through the OT. I’m pretty sure the filter is the OT’s filter.

Just re-watched the video, and that’s exactly what he’s doing. He’s using the LepLoops sequence to trigger the Osc, and then throwing various loops over it. The opening hats are seemingly coming out of the Loop, as well as the opening acidesque line, followed by the squeaky sound at the end.


Yeah you’re right. My mistake. Thank you for clearing that up.

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Just had a brief look at the manual. It seems like the Leploop can be played by midi notes

Also this article says

Seems possible.


Yes, ended up figuring it all out.
Also the Blue LED of ENV2 needs to be lit.

Thanks all!

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I try to sync my leploop with the octatrack. I want to do the same as Surgeon. But impossible to sync…

any help ?

First question, does your LEPloop read the start/stop of the other device? I had to resolder mines midi connection as some of the LEPs have really shotty soldering jobs.

Actually, when i plug my lep loop into “MIDI trhu” of my octatrack, it doesnt work at all. But when it is pluged to “MIDI OUT”, the lep loop recieve the start and stop.

The thing is that i saw the same setup on youtube (there is the link in the conversation) and it does work, but not for me…

So I think it is a problem with my octatrack i suppose but nothing sure…

No, no problem with OT, if you want Leploop to get sync then it has to be either from midi out of OT, or from thru only if OT is receiving sync from an external device.


BTW, if anyone is confused about “dual note mode”, I asked tonylight about this couple years back. The dual note mode settting enables the feature where, when ENV2 is already open because a MIDI note is held, additional played notes trigger ENV1 instead. This can be really confusing when you just start out with LEPLOOP, so it’s best to turn this off.


@darenager and @fjl, thanks for help and advise :slight_smile:

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