Octatrack live recording with MPC pads

I have been inputing midi notes with an Akai MPX16 using the pads to trigger samples. When I record the triggers in live record mode, sometimes the recording works and sometimes it doesn’t. Does any body know why or have any experience with using MPC pads with Octatrack?

Do you use Auto Channel ? Notes 36 - 44 ?
You can use notes C4 - C6 for pitched samples, with or without auto channel.
It worked for me.

What doesn’t work about it? The timing, dropped notes?

Thanks. I wasn’t using Auto Channel. The strange this is the pads were always working but they did not always record.

The input notes/triggers were not always recorded.

Do you record several tracks at the same time ?

Yes, because the samples are assigned to separate tracks.

I guess I’m wondering if it’s just the 16 steps per bar thing, if you play two notes in the time of one sequencer step, only one will be recorded, not even sure if it’s the first or the last…

Perhaps, but I mean it will work one time and then I stop recording, clear the pattern and record again and none of it works.

Perhaps try recording something slow, a note every couple steps, and do that a few times to see if it works every time. Then play faster and see if not working again… Perhaps make sure live quantization is turned off. Might not be it, but will narrow it down for ya…

I’ll give that try. Thanks.

For audio tracks there is a quantize live rec (Personalize) and a play quantize (Audio Attributes).