Octatrack MK2 Crashing

Hi everyone, I had the same problem as well…Sending my OT to the doctor
Let’s stay update


Does anyone have this issue popping up on OTs made in 2021?
Seems like it’s all 2020 (and older) units so far. Wonder if this issue was resolved at some point, or the more recent machines just have not quite aged enough to be susceptible to this failure.

Seems like I just got this problem as well, OT bought Feb/March 2020.

Update guys. I just received my OT back from Elektron. I plugged in and started to play my live set. After a while, the machine started to act in a really weird way. If I’m pressing the trig 2 the machine is receiving like I m pressing the tri 10 lots of times. As well if I gently touch the case near the volume knobs the values start to change by it self…Same thing in demo mode.
I opened a new ticket with Elektron. Let’s hope it will be fixed.
I leave you guys a couple of videos.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Lcpr3ShSmAnGCEK7AASe8dDrnqdjQfG/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1meyrswBnoh2dD11atoMXWbKTlqlCYb4Z/view?usp=sharing

Have good holiday guys

let’s speak soon


my OT died today with the same problem :confused: even crushing in midi update mode

Are you still under warranty? I was close to the end of mine (about 3 months away), submitted a ticket with Elektron and had it shipped for repairs within 2 days (still in the shop now).

I dont know, bought it used and it worked few months without any problems

Yeah, my issue also popped up after over 2 years of working flawlessly … seems like there’s no way to predict it.

good luck

Hi everyone,
I just resent my one… let’s hope that this time it will be finally fixed.

Apparently not MKI.

Hi, I have an MKI and I’ve never had any problems.
Good luck to you and have a good holiday.

Mine just died. Updated to 1.4B, a few minutes use and flickering orange lights crash. Turn off and on, a few minutes later it happens again. I let it sit there for 30 seconds, a few of the trig lights started flashing and turned it off. Burnt/solder/plastic smell of some kind and now it won’t turn on at all. Totally fried.

Build 2020 week 13. There seems to be a real bung batch of capacitors just around this time

Elektron ticket raised, hopefully they’ll help me.


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I just had the exact same problem. Octatrack of 202 grey, orange led and crash several times and now it doesn’t turn on anymore (smell of burnt plastic)…

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At this point, this very particular and apparently common issue certainly should be fully identified and understood by Elektron. I’d like to see them address it.

Did they fix it at some point, or are all OTs from 2020 onward going to be liable to crash and burn in this manner? What is the range of serial #s built with this capacitor?

These machines are much too expensive for what appears could be quite a limited lifespan due to one little unreliable capacitor.


Hi guys, today my ot mk2 (already been repaired
twice) wake up with a blue led on the trig n6

I tried to switch off and turn on a couple of times but nothing happened…
Did happened today any of you guys?

