Octatrack mk2 & DSI Prophet Rev2 MIDI problem


I’m having trouble setting up Octatrack mk2 with DSI Prophet Rev2. My goal is to record midi notes from Rev2 keyboard to Octa sequencer and then Octa should send these midi notes back to Rev2. I have hooked Rev2 midi out to Octa midi in, and Octa midi out to Rev2 midi in, and Rev2 main outs to Octa audio ins.

Basically everything works, but my problem is that anytime I hook up midi in to Rev2, it’s sound lost all the sustain and release, and probably something else too. I just get this attacky click. I can of course just turn those parameters back to normal but it is really annoying and happens also everytime I change preset in Rev2. Octa works as a master and Rev2 follows as a slave. I don’t have this problem when I use daw as a sequencer and send notes from there. Anyone has any clue what should I look for to get rid of this behaviour?

I guess note length is too short in Midi Note page or Arp page.

No, same behaviour even if set to inf.

It sounds like midi loopback. is DSI local on?


Yeah it was on… Took it off and now it works. Thanks!