Octatrack MKII pattern tempo bugs

For a project I use exclusively Pattern tempos.
This project is spread all over banks and patterns.
when I change pattern it’s very common (but I didn’t manage yet to find precisely in which case) that the newly playing pattern keeps the previously playing pattern tempo, despite the specified new pattern tempo.
I have to stop and start playing again to make the pattern play at the correct tempo (and “forget” the incorrect tempo).
Did anybody have this problem ?
Can Elektron correct this ?
Thanks for reading.

Having different pattern tempos was the next thing I was going to try. That’s a bummer. Will let you know if it happens to me.

I think I have a reproductible manipulation :
play a pattern in some bank ;
select another pattern in another bank (with a different pattern tempo);
say you don’t want to wait the first pattern to finish because you quickly want to check something in the other pattern right now : press stop before the first pattern finishes (now the other pattern is ready to play), then press play again.
The new pattern plays with the old tempo.
to load the correct tempo, press stop and play again.
this does not seem to happen when you let the Octatrack wait for the end of the first pattern and change by itself while playing.

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I tried, seemed to behave normally, except once, but I think I pressed play (pause). The display was normal, but it apparently played at project tempo, different from the 2 patterns tempo…:thinking:

It just happened to me without even doing the manipulation I explained, just kept playing between two patterns of different banks and the second pattern tempo was not loaded correctly…

Which OS?

List of changes from Octatrack OS 1.40 to 1.40A
Bug fixes
The tempo of the previously played pattern could in some cases still be in use after a pattern change to a pattern with a different tempo, even though the display showed the correct tempo.


Don’t have it in front of me RN, but is this a Part-saving issue? IIRC just by pressing “yes” after setting patt tempo, no problems. What I am saying is it not “saved” by saving the Part or pressing Yes?

Thank you WeirdFishes, I don’t understand how I missed the OS 1.40A but I did… sorry for that ! thanks again.


Reassuring. I tested again, during a pattern chain (even with bank change) the tempo display changes just after STOP.
As intended.


I have the same problem. When I switch between banks, sometimes the tempo does not change. It is completely random when it happens. I just upgraded to 1.40a but it is still the same. by the way I use OTmk1. Really hope there is someone who can help. I love this machine and it is the only problem I have had yet. By the way, It did not have this problem in the beginning. could it be something with me using too much hard drive or something like that?

…let’s all remember…

there was various overall tempi option only in the arranger first and for long long time…
while global tempo came pretty late to the party…
…errr, wait a sec…was pattern per tempo or global tempo there exclusively first ?..can’t remember… :wink:
but i assume, it’s hard to feel home, to make friends, if ur new on the block, when the block was already timeless but also outdated at the same time…

all latest firmware updates, were hardly squeezed in, after ages of no progress…with a big bang of surprise surprise…and that was already ages ago again…it is what it is…