Octatrack Monolith

Weird, do you have a recent firmware?

Also, how are you playing the synth? are the “presets” playing correctly?

I am playing it via a midi keyboard or just laying down trigs. Same results. If I just hit play on the sequencer, I get the drone sound and the plinking.

Latest firmware. I have to have something configured weird. I’ve tried without the midi patchbay and the result is the same. It’s probably something simple but I’m still an Octatrack newb so who knows…

Could you send me a recording of those sounds?

Yes. Later tonight when I’m done slaving away for the man.

Thank you!

Really nice invention. I have no idea if I’ve actually set it up right, but I get some interesting sounds out of it for sure :slight_smile:

Just a quick one, nothing finished:

Hey Daniel…this is awesome…can you tell us little Bit how you do that, please

Fantastic demo Daniel!

Do you mind if I put it on the Monolith website?


have no idea if I’ve actually set it up right, but I get some interesting sounds out of it for sure

That’s the right attitude :slight_smile:

…i don’t have an OT but i really like this project and makes me want to get one even more :sob: :joy: well done jaalmadakan!

Go right ahead!

I so want this to work but I just haven’t been able to. This speaks of my lack of knowledge of the OT file structure. It’s the one thing that annoys me about the OT I really don’t jell with.
What’s it supposed to look like on the cf card? If someone with a mac (mountain lion) I’d be super appreciative

Hey Daniel…this is awesome…can you tell us little Bit how you do that, please
I followed the instructions on the Monolith website and connected cue outs to the ins. I don’t remember exactly what waveforms I’ve used.
The lone kick drum is a straight MBase sample that’s got nothing to do with Monolith.
Some outboard FX added from my Eventide gear.

Just make a new set on the OT. Name it Monolith (or anything else). Then connect it to your mac, and in finder double click the folder on the CF card named Monolith. Copy the two folders Monolith and Audio from the zip file you’ve downloaded from the Monolith site into the folder.
Disconnect the OT from your computer and open the set Monolith. Now you should be ready to try out the examples provided.
Remember to run in Studio mode so you have cue out enabled.

Cheers Daniel I’ll try that this afternoon.

Really enjoying this. Playing out this weekend and planning to have one OT dedicated to the Monolith.

This is tons of fun to mess around with. Tons of crazy sounds coming out tonight! Thanks for sharing and look forward to exploring it more.

Check your auto channel settings.

Thanks Rusty, right after I posted that the midi just started working. No idea what the heck was up, but now it’s behaving nicely. Now the only problem I have is trying to go to sleep instead of tinker!

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Your Octatrack is a sentient being, and it hates you, realises you need to go to sleep, so now it starts behaving.

Knowing that my project makes some people miss precious and unrecoverable hours of sleep makes me so happy.

Have a nice week-end of sonic exploration! :slight_smile: