Octatrack OS 1.40: bug reports

In the video that I created it shows the problem.
The first pattern switch works, but the second doesn’t.

I also sent a ticket as well!

I got a freeze when flickering with trig modes between slices and chromatic. I haven’t been able to reproduce this behaviour. Sent a ticket.

Edit: Suport suggests that it might be caused by USB-cable being attached to the computer, which is known to sometimes cause trouble (bug fix on the way).

Does anyone else have to wiggle the volume of the thru machine to make the octatrack open the gate for the thru machines audio to sound?

This happens to me eveytime I make a new part with thru machines

How long do Elektron usually take to fix these reports?

The time frame is all over the place depending how serious they think a bug is (more people reporting it over at elektron.se should clearly help). It’s from days up to years.

It also depends if they can replicate it. A bug report with no reproducible steps, but just a “there was something wrong, but a reboot fixed it” isn’t that helpful.


Can anyone confirm the page LEDs no longer show the presence of parameter locks? I’m on a mk1.
So for example, if you’re on the page, you still see the inverse video controls for any that are set, but you no longer know if other pages have p-locks - until you go there and look.
The corresponding green LED effect for scenes does work OK.

That was only ever for scenes wasn’t it?


Must be wishful thinking on my part. I’m old and often pine for things how they should be rather than how they really are. Oh well, cheers!


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Hi there.
I tried the slice midi control options and they seem to work when audionotein is set to FOLLOW TM. However when I select MAP/TRACK to have separate trig modes for each track midi control is not working. I also saved the part but nothing happened again.

no problem for me with OT 2

Just a thought- would one have to save the Part after assigning pattern tempo to have them change as desired? Have not fiddled at all yet with new OS

Forgot to say OT mkI

Weird thing is that I can not recreate it now in the same project, same settings and same gear connected…
It was the first time a reloaded the project after the firmware update. Perhaps there was only some random glitch that got solved with a on/off sequence.

Weird indeed but good for you :wink:

from the 2017 manual, pg. 96:

Trigging the Thru machines is necessary for them to start passing through incoming audio.

It’s always been this way :laughing:

Are you correctly setting your MIDI MAP configuration for the track you want to use?

[MIDI] + [UP]/[DOWN] will, when AUDIO NOTE IN is set to MAP/TRACK, select MIDI MAP configuration for the active track.
More info in the updated manual, pg. 71 - 72

Yes I am selecting the mode the way the manual describes. Actually the trig mode although selected is not retained per track.
Do you have a mki or mkii model?
Anyway I will try with a new project.


  1. Make sure you’re not in MIDI mode
  2. Select an audio track
  3. Hit MIDI+UP - Do you see the “MIDI MAP [TRACK NUMBER]” box pop up?
  4. Select CHROMATIC or another mode, hit YES or NO (they both exit the dialog)
  5. Do you see the tiny icon in the bottom-right corner, next to the scene number indicators?

Also, remember that the different MIDI MAPs have their own ranges. Are you pressing a key that’s out of range (for instance, C#3 in CHROMATIC mode?)

Finally (or maybe firstly?), check your MIDI controller device with something like MIDI-OX to see that you are, in fact, sending the appropriate MIDI data.


Yes, im aware of that. However I have to wiggle the src input volume encoder for the gate to open, even though I’ve already sent a trig to it… that, I did not have to do before.

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I’m not having that issue with thru machines. :thinking: sounds like it could be the project. Can you repeat the behavior in several projects?