Octatrack plays free anomaly?

The tracks are set up like so:
T1- Flex, regular, one2, tr.len
T2- thru- for midi
T3- Flex , plays free, start auto, one2, tr.len
T4- pickup, start silent auto, plays free
T5- Flex, plays free, one2, tr.len

Recording through input A, so there’s that problem with recording only comes in left channel but when inside the buffer it’s panned center.

My big problem is with T5 which doesn’t behave like a plays free track when I press trig 5 (not on record ready). Sometimes it latches onto playback but only short enough to make a little clicking sound. And I have confirmed that the cursor actually moves a tiny bit once the trig is passed on the sequence.

Why is this? What set up parameter am I missing? One time it latched but the cursor and therefore the S,L, and E points could not be edited.

Is this a bug?

Do you play a recording with T5?
Try to add microtiming to the trigs.
Try also to make it work without Plays Free, I don’t think Plays Free is the problem.

Hey thanks for replying.

Yes, I am playing a recording on T5.
By suggesting that I wiggle the microtiming, you think maybe something is not catching onto the timeline? Kind of like the way you move midi events to get the timeline to pick it up?

I’m away from my machine now but will try that tomorrow.

Thanks again!


Yes. I guess it’s SRC3 recording? You can also disable timestrech, avoid pitch up (possible under certain conditions).

You can make your tests without Plays Free.

I have this problem often (but am used to it so I know what to look for when that happens). Like @sezare56 said you are probably reading a recording buffer? In that case, TS must inded be off, and look at your LFO settings, they are set to pitch by default so even when depth is only a few units like 1 or 2 this can abort playback of the recording buffer. Best is to clear the LFO page and not use pitch modulation

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Thanks guys. Can’t get to this today but I’m sure TS is off on T5. Will look at LFO settings and see what happens.

EDT: Also, how can I make it that the PU machine doesn’t change the tempo?



@sezare56 always on top of it. Thank you.

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So there wasn’t a solution to this but to trash the session and make a new one… which led me to another question for you mavens:

For playsfree mode with one2 trig mode, why doesn’t pressing the trig representing the track stop playback as the manual says? For example T5 is on plays free, one2 mode. Out of record mode I press 5 and the track plays. When I press again it’s supposed to stop on One2 mode but it doesn’t.


Check the AMP settings of the corresponding track (hold/release). The track may be stopped (can be seen by the small icon indicator next to the track number), but the sound rings on.

Check LFOs. Disable scenes temporary. The usual debugging stuff … :wink:


Start / Stop actions also depend on TRIG QUANTIZE parameter, default one seems to be TR.LEN, track lenght I suppose…
Choose DIRECT, if you want it…direct. :content: