Octatrack recieve pattern change message?

I’m looking at midi chart, so no way to have my MC707 tell Octatrack: next pattern?

Or am i missing something?


No sequential/relative pattern changes on Elektron devices, only explicit selection


“only explicit selection”

can you explain? I don’t understand?

A1, D3 etc. not current pattern +1

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yes- as said above you can chose a specific pattern, not next/first/previous etc - no relative increments

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I am looking at CC chart and i don’t see/understand which of these or how to chose specific pattern via midi RX?

You won’t find these in the CC chart, because pattern changes are done by sending program change messages to the (Elektron) device.

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is that something i could do with ableton, record into my MC707 sequencer and then trigger the octatrack with?

I’m not seeing how to do a program change with the mc707 but i know ableton can do it.

Welcome to the forum!

It depends what you mean by “tell Octatrack: next pattern”.

The Octatrack can change pattern in response to a MIDI Program Change message on the applicable MIDI channel.

The MC-707 uses “Clips” which can be played from the 8 Tracks, and “Scenes” which are collections of clips. There are 128 Scenes in each project.

The MIDI implementation chart for the MC-707 says that it can send MIDI Program Change messages when either its Scene or its Clip changes. I believe that some of this functionality was only introduced in more recent OS versions, so make sure that your MC-707 is updated to the latest OS (currently 1.71).

The Reference Manual for the MC-707 was written for early versions of the OS, so make sure you download the “MC-707 Update” document, which describes the up-to-date functionality, from Roland’s website. The document describes how the MC-707 can be set to send MIDI Program Change messages.

If you want to use Scene changes to change the OT’s pattern, which might be the easiest way to get started with this function, you need to:

  • set the “Control channel” number, and
  • enable the “Control Tx …” setting for whichever of the MC-707’s three MIDI ports you are using

in the MC-707’s System settings (MIDI tab).

If you prefer to control things using Clip changes, you can define in the Clip settings (MIDI Tab) how Program Change messages are sent: values 0 to 15 corresponding to the 16 Clips available to a track, or a specific value in the range from 0 to 127 that you can define for the individual Clip.

For this to work, you have to enable “Tx MIDI Program Change” in the Track settings (MIDI tab). You also have to ensure that the Track is sending on the MIDI channel number that you have set on the Octatrack for receipt of MIDI Program Change messages.



Thanks, Peter!

I had actually done everything you’ve suggested, i need to check my midi routings, i have an iConnectMIDI4+ routing midi around my gear.

So i think my next step is to connect MC707 directly to OT and see if it works…

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Ah, I was afraid you didn’t shime in a program change topic ! :wink:
Did you ever missed one ? :content:

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