Octatrack sample length and fading


I am thinking of buying an octatrack for live performing.

What I want to do is play long samples, sometimes I play 3 or 4 at a time, each 3 minutes long, fading one sample in and then fading others out, like a long collage.

Before I invest money into this sampler, is this possible to do?

Yes for sure. Probably lots of ways to do that using Static machines for long samples. One way that comes to mind is you could use Scenes so the crossfader will change the volume of each sample according to how you set up the Scenes. For example, moving the crossfader from A-B would fade out track 1 while fading in track 2. You have 16 scenes you could set up to fade and out different combinations of samples, and the scenes are easy to edit in real time once you get the muscle memory (i.e. if you are playing 3 samples and just want to fade one out while fading in a 4th, you can very quickly set up a scene so when you move the cross fader from position A to B it will do that).

You can do this by assigning tracks to be muted/unmuted in scenes and blending between them using the crossfader. You could also route a 1-shot ramp LFO to amp vol and have that trigger after up to 32 bars, allowing you to automatically fade out the sound over a length of up to 64 bars.