Octatrack sequencer 64 step limitation: how to deal with it

Hi everyone!

So I have several synths hooked up to my octatrack (midi sequencing).
I want to play a chord progression, with the chord changing every 32 steps. So that means, this would make a pattern of 128 steps (at 115 bpm).

The octatrack only has 64 steps (or am I blind).
ofcourse I could make a second pattern, but then i would have to jump back and forth constantly between the two patterns. Also, I could ofcourse record the entire sequence as an audio sample and loop that.

But perhaps you guys have an alternative/better idea?



Just chain patterns together, they will loop forever unless you hit stop twice…

It’s easy.


What wGe23 said, Rusty’s OT software OctaEdit works well for chaining patterns or do it the old fashioned way.

Play pattern at 1/2 or use conditional trigs ?


You also have an arranger at your hand which is pretty powerful.


So many solutions, it is absurd ! :rofl:


You could use per-Track Scale settings, too. Reduce the number of steps on the chord tracks and change the Scale multiplier.


Track scale, trig conditions, pattern chaining, song mode, etc etc etc

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This is the obvious answer. You want the chord progression to be 128 steps, set master length to 128.


wow totally overlooked this option. How do I do this (sorry noob question)?

Scale mode per track is explained on page 74 of the pdf manual.


will check it out, thanks for pointing the page number out, helpful

was almost buying a squarp pyramid, haha thats why I love this forum; should try to get as far as I can with the octatrack first!

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Not really, because I want 4 chords (different ones), each 32 steps long.

If I interpreted the manual correctly, setting the master length determines how many time the sequence will play before the tracks are restarted. but the sequence is still 64 steps (it would just repeat, right?)

perhaps changing the tempo multiplier of the particular track with the chord progression to 1/2 would be the way to go?

chord 1 on step 1
chord 2 on step 32
chord 3 on step 2
chord 4 on step 33

chord 1 and 2 get a trig condition of 1:2 so they fire the 1st time the pattern runs but not the 2nd time

chord 3 and 4 get micro timed all the way to the left (that puts them right on top of step 1 and step 32) and they get a trig condition of PRE* (the one with a line, “not pre”) …so they only fire off when step 1 and 32 don’t* fire, evey second run through the pattern


a lot easier to change the resolution of the midi track to half time and do one chord every 16 steps lol


I think with octatrack its not so bad since you can sample a really long sequence and chop it up, then use track scaling or conditional trigs etc.

Ive done that a lot to give the illusion of 16 bar phrases.

However, if Elektron ever provide an OS update that give the option for real 128 step sequences, that would be killer.


There aren’t enough bars available to allow for 128 step sequences, there are only four bars available to display physically on the unit. The best workarounds for this is what Elektron already provide, which are halving the resolution of a track or the appropriate trig condition.

You could go with different shades (nuances) of (red) light or different led colors.

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Please no! I find it hard enough already to tell the difference between “currently playing” and “currently editing”.