Octatrack song with long samples - confused

Ok…I do NOT have an OT but always wanted to try one. On my MPC or FORCE, so easy to record a long audio piece, say from my Typhon. Then add more midi or drum tracks to go along with that.

What I don’t understand is how to do this on an OT. If I have a static machine and set a One shot trig on step 1 of track 1 to stream a 2 minute piece I recorded into the OT (if that is even how you do it) from my Typhon how do I then play the other tracks with Flex machines to go with the 2 minute typhon stream if there is only the basic 64 steps in a track. Can I stream the 2 minute recording from pattern 1 but then create my drum parts on track 2-4 in multiple patterns but I’d have to pattern chain those together to make up enough steps in multiple patterns to match the 2 minute recording…but does the 2 minute recording then stop when the song mode switches patterns since that was on pattern 1???

I’m so confused…I know it’s so much easier to just use my MPC…but I’ve really wanted to try an OT and If I can figure out how to do this song creation and make it work, I’d get an OT for that and for just jamming also.

Thanks for any help.

Yes, you can do that.
Or you could make a “one pattern per track” kind of composition with mutes and scenes fun.

That’s configurable. There’s basically “yes” and “no” options. I can’t remember what it’s called.

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Last night I needed to add some drums to 3 min track, and I did it by using 4 slots in the static sample list assigned to the same sample. This allowed me to set different start points in the long sample and align them to different drum patterns. Worked pretty well… divide and conquer :slight_smile:

Last step was using the arranger to play them all back as a song.

So you divided up the 3 minute sample itself to match 4 different 64 step drum patterns?

For me, the MPC and Force are kind of boring. I can sit down in front of them and bang out a 12 bar song with 3-5 different tracks and then ok…now what. The OT looks so unique and interesting and I love learning more involved equipment and so now when I walk to my music table, I have no desire to turn on the MPC ONE to just explore it…but I do keep turning on my Polyend Tracker and can imagine wanting to turn on the OT also.

Kind of, you can set start and end points differently for each sample slot. So it’s the same sample, just starting at different places. I don’t know if this is the best way to do it, it was just the first thing I thought of :slight_smile:

Probably it doesn’t if you one shot trig your recording on track that will be empty on other patterns and Start Silent option set to No:

START SILENT controls whether the track of a previous pattern linked to a different part should keep on sounding or not when the currently active pattern starts playing. Three settings exist. Select between them using the LEVEL knob.
• AUTO will make the chosen track act according to the SILENCE TRACKS setting made in the PROJECT menu. Read more about this setting in section “8.6.3 SEQUENCER” on page 36.
• NO will make the track from a previous pattern linked to a different part continue to sound when the currently active pattern starts playing. The track of the previous pattern will however stop sounding once a trig on the track of the active pattern is activated by the sequencer. If for example track 1 is the chosen track, then track 1 of the previous pattern will continue to sound until a trig occurs on track 1 of the currently active pattern. This setting overrides the SILENCE TRACKS setting.
• YES will make the track of a previous pattern linked to a different part stop making sound once the currently active pattern starts playing. If for example track 1 is the chosen track, then the sample of track 1 of the previous pattern will enter its release phase, set in the AMP menu, once the currently active pattern starts playing. This setting overrides the SILENCE TRACKS setting.

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No. You can have a sample play in its entirety, so long as there is not another trig to interupt it.

Ive made sets with very long samples (6-8 minutes) where the long sample spans up to 8 patterns. Theres just one trig at the start to play the sample then nothing on that track for the next 8 patterns.

Octatrack is very flexible.

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Awesome guys…thanks so much.