Hello guys. Im using Machinedrum synced with Octatrack. Sending audio from the main outputs of the machinedrum to input A B on octa… Works fine and they sync properly.
The problem is that the crossfader (even with muted scenes) changes volume on some of the machinedrums tracks! For example. I have a pattern of a Kick and Hat on Machinedrum. When i move the crossfader from scene A to B (while the scenes are in mute) the volume increases on the Hat track of the machinedrum. Anyone know whats going on here? It seems that when the crossfader is on Scene A side it bottlenecks the audiosignal. The kick is still in the same volume though which is wierd…
Theres also a deadspot when crossfader is slightly to the left on the middle between A B on the crossfader —|----
Also note that when i load a loop for example with a static/flex machine within the octa, the crossfader behaves as normal and wont affect the track volume when muted (moving from a to b) and it also behaves correctly with parameter changes between the scenes (unmuted).
Can someone help me with this? If anyone understands what im trying to explain here.
All cables are new and the octa/machinedrum is just a couple of weeks old.
EDIT: Ive noticed now that the volumechange only affects track 2 of the Machinedrum. Track 1 and 3-16 behave as normal when moving the muted crossfade.
Ive reseted both the machinedrum and octa and it still doesn’t solve the problem.