Octatrack Tips & Tricks (OT Tips)

I don’t know.

You liar :lying_face: :smile:

I have a MKI, but apparently :
OT MKII : Func + REC3 opens Recording Edit (equivalent of RECAB or RECCD + Bank on MKI)
OT MKII : Func + MIDI opens Part menu

Thank you, I am on a MKI too and/but didn’t payed attention to this :pensive:

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@Tchu asked in another thread if it’s possible to control the crossfader with an lfo.

Crossfader sends and receives CC48 so it is indeed possible with midi loopback or another box that sends midi lfos.

I quickly checked on my OT and discovered, that it’s a pretty cool solution if want to modulate several parameters with a single lfo or if you’re running out of lfos :wink:

How to set it up:

Hook up midi out to midi in.

Make sure under Midi -> Channels you have at least one midi channel assigned to an audio track (you can send the midi lfo to any of these midi channels, doesn’t matter which, but at least one audio track has to have a midi channel assigned).
Also make sure under Midi -> Control you have ‘Audio CC In’ checked.

Now go to a midi track, choose one of the midi channels assigned to OTs audio tracks and choose CC48 for one of the CTRL1 or CTRL2 parameters.
Set up an lfo to modulate that CTRL parameter.

Seems the midi track does not need a trig, if you want to use trig mode or hold mode (or any other note dependent mode), make sure these not do not trigger anything unwanted.


You can even record it!
Octatrack Tips & Tricks (OT Tips)


That sounds cool! Didn’t think about p-locking or recording knobs, only did a quick test to confirm…but yeah, sounds really cool! Probaply gonna play around with that the whole night^^ :grin:

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If I have 2 OT, one master and one is slave, is it possible to change the pattern on the master and the pattern changes on the slave as well?


Yes, of course.


Haven’t found anything about internal FX sends in this thread, so I decided to record a video.
Allows you to use one track as a proper reverb send.


Probably an obvious one, an oldie but a goodie:
When working with slices lay out your trigs to get a pattern you are happy with, then copy track (or if you prefer copy the whole pattern)
Then go to slices, create random locks to get your variation, whenever you want to revert back to your original pattern exit slice mode and paste the track back in.
This is very useful especially with melodic or complex phrases but also beats too, it can have a number of uses:

To remix live safe in the knowledge you can go back to original.

To find variations which you might prefer to your original pattern, if you copied the whole pattern then you can use this method to come up with lots of variations quickly, further copy/paste and randomise each variation.


I use Cue plus a thru machine for send/return instead of flex/recorder buffer. Works the same, no need for using RAM.


How do you get Cue signal to Thru Machine? Two wires on the back of the device?

Regarding the RAM, the recorder buffer can be as short as 2 steps with a track length of 2 steps. I’ve shown the simplest option to keep the video short and to the point.

Kind of “MIDI scenes”:



On a MkII Fn + Midi opens Midi Sync menu and Fn + Parts opens… Parts menu.
Fn + Rec 3 opens a menu where you can save the buffer recording or open the Audio Editor.

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Yep I meant MKI obviously.

Sorry that was not obvious :wink: especially for someone who never tried an MKI.

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It was obviously adressed to MKI users. :content:

FN + Reload Part :wink:

Tip to alternate randomly 2 trigs with different value(s) :

Trig 1, p-locked value(s) A, trig condition X%
Trig 2, p-locked value(s) B, trig condition /PRE, microtiming -23/384 (very close to trig 1).

Values can be similar, and microtiming set differently, in order to make a little groove variation.

Also possible to use a trigless with different trig condition for trig 1, so that /PRE plays an inverted trig condition (usefull with A:B conditions).

(Sorry if it’s already in the topic, didn’t find it).


I use this ALOT with midi triggers sequencing the Machinedrum.


Yep. This is best means to humanize an Elektron beat.