Octatrack Tips & Tricks (OT Tips)

I think it will blow up !

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As many OT users ask for Overbridge compatibility for the OT to be able to multi-track their patterns in a DAW, hereā€™s a different solution.

For multi-tracking I use the resampling capabilities of the OTā€¦

Set each track recorder to its own internal track (T1, T2, T3ā€¦)
Set the recording length to the length of your pattern (for instance 64 steps)
Add a one-shot recording trigger on each track.
I have a standard session with the first 16 patterns setup like this, and I use it as a template to bounce all tracks. Recording quality is set to 24-bits.

Now, if you want to bounce down all tracks of a pattern in one go, hit YES to activate all the recorder trigs and play your pattern. The recorders capture all eight tracks seperately, including fader movements.

Then open the recorder window of one track and hit function+edit.
Choose save all recordings and save all seperate tracks to the CF card.

Then import the tracks to your DAW via USB.


I appreciate that this is a creative and clever solution, but there are still a lot of problems with it to me. I personally donā€™t want to perform a track pattern by pattern. For instance there are times where a pattern repeats with different fader gestures, or when fader gestures cross bar lines at the end of the pattern. Thatā€™s hard to replicate when you have to perform each repeat separately. Moreover, in normal performance, reverb and decay tails that trail over from pattern to pattern. Not to mention sample release times extending across the bar line into the next pattern. You lose all of this working a pattern at a time. For my uses, itā€™s just not going to sound natural. That said, I hope this is useful for some people!
To be clear, Iā€™ve made music just recording the OTā€™s stereo outs. Iā€™ll live and work with it. I donā€™t expect Overbridge-like functionality from the OT, as Elektron never promised it. All of that said, I would LIKE it, maybe in some far-off mk2.


Iā€™m hoping for a hardware upgrade like they did when the MD UW+drive came out.

I appreciate that this is a creative and clever solution, but there are still a lot of problems with it to me. I personally donā€™t want to perform a track pattern by pattern. For instance there are times where a pattern repeats with different fader gestures, or when fader gestures cross bar lines at the end of the pattern. Thatā€™s hard to replicate when you have to perform each repeat separately. Moreover, in normal performance, reverb and decay tails that trail over from pattern to pattern. Not to mention sample release times extending across the bar line into the next pattern. You lose all of this working a pattern at a time. For my uses, itā€™s just not going to sound natural. That said, I hope this is useful for some people!
To be clear, Iā€™ve made music just recording the OTā€™s stereo outs. Iā€™ll live and work with it. I donā€™t expect Overbridge-like functionality from the OT, as Elektron never promised it. All of that said, I would LIKE it, maybe in some far-off mk2.[/quote]
Yes, I understand. It depends on your workflow ofcourse.
Personally I like to do all kind of edits later on in my DAW, so I see these single track exports more as working material rather than finished patterns.
With this method I can export many pattern variations just by hitting Yes and save all recordings, and then I pick the best pieces.
It would be awesome if there was a way to auto-save the recorder buffers after each loop or to record directly to the CF card to capture entire arrangements and longer jams.


. . . or to record directly to the CF card to capture entire arrangements and longer jams. . . .

This would be very nice.


Iā€™m intrigued and conceptually grasping what this might be, but something isnā€™t quite right in my understanding, the video and extensive comments are not simple and prescriptive enough, especially wrt patterns, what about mixer settings and starting the thru machine when the track is not playing - any chance you could distill this to the simplest example and help the penny drop ; - )


Essentially the concept is to use Plays Free to sequence some automations.

Mixer settings are: DIR=0

Then the main actions rely on Patterns.

You can have normal patterns with triggered tracks sequences - OR - the PlaysFree.

With PlaysFree you can have trigless-trigs sequence where you p-lock parameters (which ones is up to you).

About playing a not-playing Trackā€¦I use trigs 9-16.
Once itā€™s playing then I can use trigs 1-8 for starting corresponding PlaysFree Track.

One example could be the following:

One pattern with all normal. Track 7 is a THRU sequenced.
Pattern2 has the PlaysFree option for T7 so, once you switch to this Pattern from the previous, THRU is still playing (if REL is INF) but not its sequence.
So using trig 7 will play itā€¦it can be an automation on the Filter, a Volume stutter.
It should be worth mentioning that ONE2 would be a good starting point for PlaysFree. I use HOLD but it brings a side-effect, you have to raise finger at a ā€œdefaultā€ state (trig) where the sound is not affected by the sequence.

This tip anyway is not that usefulā€¦its just for fun if you have spare Patternsā€¦
Imagine 15 chained patterns with only sequenced p-locks.
You can of course achieve this with normal action Pattern, but this way you can decide when to let the automation to start.


yeah, iā€™ve tried again, but i didnā€™t try changing patterns, clearly thatā€™s key, i got confused by having to play the Thru machine, which doesnā€™t stop when the thru track sequenced steps are done playing, i noticed that it would latch to the exit state, but i didnā€™t know where the efficiency of the method might be, i like the idea of hands on control, so the neighbour tracks is just an addition and not part of intended tip, it just seemed that others followed and i didnā€™t grasp what was being done, or at least it wasnā€™t obvious to me with the plocks on the tracks that i elected to use, given that exit mode aspect, i think using a slow track, that might be a nice way to jump to a virtual track scene, if you can release the trig at the right step, iā€™ll investigate further, iā€™m still not sure i follow, but thatā€™s why the OT is so intriguing - i also noticed your comments on setting up capture of longer than 64 step flex recordings, i thought iā€™d nailed it, but the buffer kept filling, i may explore parts to capture using PU and bring back to a Flex, it does seem rather limiting to be constrained to such small passages, especially when the machine can do it manually for longer !! - it ought to be so easy to add into that RLEN menu ?!!

fwiw, hereā€™s what iā€™ve got, may be different, itā€™s certainly not groundbreaking but itā€™s useful for a single button press thru pseudo scene fade >

1 pattern, 1 track, a thru, plays free, hold/direct, track can be tempo multiplied to taste or lengthened/shortened - letā€™s stick with 1x 16step

the crucial thing is to try this first and vary to taste
put your ā€˜virtualā€™ scene as a plock on trig 1, plock the vanilla neutral state on step 16, now add a slide to 1

this means you can have a regular uninterrupted thru going, by either pressing Tx on the rightmost set of 8 trigs in (non record track play mode) or by pressing Tx+Play (likewise Tx+Stop to kill Thru input sound)

Now when you trig Tx on the leftmost set of 8 trigs, you play the automation from extreme through to neutral in an automated sweep, so it always exits in a neutral state, if thatā€™s not fun enough, then plock some other steps (donā€™t include a slide to vanilla) and release the Track Trig (8 on left) at the scene of your liking, so in theory you can have 64 scenes to release up on, and this setting will latch until the track is played again

iā€™m not sure if this is what you were after, but itā€™s fun enough to me, quite pleased actually, for an otherwise leave-it-be thru track, so no need for extra patterns/tracks, but full control of latching/sliding fx when the mood suits, plus scenes are still available, on top ! :wink: #OTtip :thup:


please avantronica can you expand a bit on the Slide on step 1?

Itā€™s handy if you want to control the end state of the track play through, ie if there are no slides when you lift your finger the plock last encounterd will latch, whereas if you have a slide going at the point you lift from your hold, it will slide to its conclusion, even if the track is not fully played. So in my example it always returns you to the plocked vanilla state on the slide destination of trig 16, but you can have multiple slides and lift earlier than the last one and lock in a plocked state (early lift, e.g. briefly Tap track) or hold long enough to get to last slide and it will slide to a conclusion with your finger off the track trig, alternatively donā€™t use the slides and you can have plocked states upon release, season to taste, had a LOT of fun with this, quite different from scenes, plus you donā€™t need to use hold, if you want, one2 is fun, possibly plays once too


Ah! ā€¦so you put one trig on step 1 and another on step 16, thatā€™s it ?

I was struggling because I imagined a 16/16 full of trigsā€¦eheheheh

Thatā€™s it, Yep, that bit that begins ā€˜the crucial thingā€™ :wink:
It doesnā€™t need to slide either as long as it passes 16. (To reset the plocking), nor is 16 significant, just the end of the track for a trivial example (one is the least useful trig mode for this usage)
Just to illustrate the point in a simple manner, itā€™s possible to conclude a slide even though the track has stopped trigging, and indeed has not (and need not) reached the vanilla trig, itā€™s almost like a custom lfo shape or envelope that you can manually start and control the exit state of


Thatā€™s it, Yep, that bit that begins ā€˜the crucial thingā€™ :wink:
It doesnā€™t need to slide either as long as it passes 16. (To reset the plocking), nor is 16 significant, just the end of the track for a trivial example (one is the least useful trig mode for this usage)
Just to illustrate the point in a simple manner, itā€™s possible to conclude a slide even though the track has stopped trigging, and indeed has not (and need not) reached the vanilla trig, itā€™s almost like a custom lfo shape or envelope that you can manually start and control the exit state of[/quote]
yesssss! =)

Thatā€™s genius!

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Nice wee playable contour eh ? Iā€™ve been using it with short and long presses to exit (even mute) in different states
An Italo-Scots effort :+1:

wow. havenā€™t tried this yet but what a great idea. thanks for the share! :+1:

ahahhahahha !!!

Hereā€™s a very basic tip (cant believe I just realised it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ) you all probably know.
I only play live, at home and allways have trouble with mutting and un-mutting tracks for song development.
Then Ding Ding Ding, use CUE instead (cue soloā€™s track) for massive drops ! Instead of trying to unmute all at once, just un cue after buildup track for the drop (hope this makes sense).

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