Octatrack vs learning piano

both at the same time, only reason I can play a lick of keys is just from tryna improvise melodies over my rhythms


There is no pretending to be an artist on the piano.


I’ll be another person voting for both. They aren’t mutually exclusive.

You can even make a solid case for synths/electronics being a next stage in the chain of classical music composition. Every generation of composer built on the musical concepts of the previous generation. There have been a few points of ‘Well, where do we go from here? We’ve done it all.’ The onset of electricity being used to make sound opened a tremendous frontier that even someone as late as Mahler couldn’t begin to comprehend.

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I agree with you in principle. But, I think, as a community, we are stalled in our progress by a couple things:

First, we have become so accustomed to beat-based music production (sounds placed on a grid, phrases of 2,4,8,16 bar, etc.) that we’ve forgotten that sounds can be arranged in more organic ways.

Second, we have conflated novelty with originality. With sample-based production, we can take any sounds and turn them into “music”. The ability to continuously create works that are technically “new” gives a false impression of progress.



Please elaborate. :blush:

Learn piano it will open up what you can do in all directions of music (and don’t skip on music theory :slight_smile:)

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