Octratrack pattern change by PC?

Hello guys

ok maybe I post this in the wrong forum as i had no response…

I am using my mpc2500 as master,I would like to know if the octratrack can recieve program change on patterns (on the same same bank, or if possible even change bank AND pattern) so I can change patterns on the octratrack from my mpc everytime I change sequence…

I know how to send PC from my mpc,what I cant find on the elektron manual is any refrerence for this on the octatrack…I think this should be possible?

if this is not possible,I think the mpc can recieve PC for sequence change,but my mpc have 4 midi outs and I used to work with it it as master control of my gear…that´s why I preffer to have OT as slave…also this way I could take advante of different track lenghts on the octratrack ,without affect my mpc set up with the other gear…

anyone please?


Send a Bank Change to change the current range of banks, (only required if you need access to banks I to P)

000 = A to H
001 = I to P

Send a Program Change to change the Pattern:

000 = A01 / I01
001 = A02 / I02

128 = H16 / P16


Bank Change 000 -> Program Change 000 = A01
Bank Change 001 -> Program Change 000 = I01
Bank Change 001 -> Program Change 051 = K04


thanks Rusty :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome :slight_smile: