Octratrack vs Ableton Live question

Nobody ever factors in the cost of a computer or IPad, and an audio interface…
Its often just assumed people have them, and even then they don’t seem to factor in at some point you had to buy them… :wink:

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And then factor in the cost of a computer that will actually run said softwares smoooothly ouch! I remember when I knew less I bought an i5 macbook with 4gb of ram and tried to run Abes on it

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Yes but a lot of people have them already also, the amazing power of a modern computer ready and waiting to be tapped into :wink:

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No need to convince me, my 2.7g i7 is absurdly powerful, and I own Ableton 9 suite. Fortunately for me my Octatrack does everything I personally need and so I never have to bother opening it… Love sequencing logic synths and processing OT and AR with plugins occasionally, but I never do anything with its grid based audio features or whatever. I could do the same with Abe’s but I’d just be sequencing it’s synths and using its fx, for me the OT does all the sequencer based stuff and audio warping, I’ve never had a need to utilize Abe’s primary features and structure.

Just consider Octatrackers like a biker gang. You can walk into a bar and explain to the bikers that cars are more powerful and have more features, and they probably will all agree because it’s true. But there’s no way that will convince them to get a car and when you leave the bar they’ll probably just chuckle… :smiley:


Yep no right or wrong here, just personal preference


I only said that cause I know your a good sport! :wink:

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Who bumped this thread???

To the gallows with him!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::japanese_ogre::imp:

I also own Ableton Live 9 Suite. Waste of my money, really, but that’s on me, not Ableton. I just don’t use it other than for simple audio overdubs when collaborating with friends.

Really hate working too much on desktop computers/laptop. That said, I still plan to get OctaEdit as it looks like a useful assistance tool.


Love using ableton. It’s super fast and it feels like a kind of sound sculpture instrument after years of using it. But I totally get your thinking about OT. Been thinking of getting a used mk1 primarily for live use alongside the DT. You can easily play live with ableton, but feels good to not have a computer involved. And other times I really want to get a Traktor kontrol s5 and play my music as a shitty DJ :smiley:


Great analysis and I agree. Right now, a better comparison would be between Elektron and MPC Live. I tried the new MPC Live this weekend and hated it. Been using my friend’s old Elektron MD and it feels way better and like the workflow better. So, if I was to buy a replacement for my laptop+Ableton setup, it would be Elektron hands down. Been thinking Elektron gear to controll a small portable Eurorack lunch box setup would lots of fun.

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I got Ableton free with Push and it is ok but I prefer using it at home in the studio versus live. Elektron is made for live performances.

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