Older Grooveboxes

I just got an mc09 today. I’m obsessed with groove boxes and older gear right now, I just got an rs7000 and a Yamaha an200. They’re both awesome!

The an200 is easy to use. The rs7000 is tricky right now. They have some super fun features that make jamming on one pattern really easy.

The mc09 is infuriating. It seems like it should be so easy to work, and even reading the manual I’m struggling with basic stuff. I think once I get a handle on it it’ll be fun for quick jams, but learning the elektron workflow was way easier than the mc09!

Any tips?


Congratulations, you’ve got yourself one of the best bits of kit ever made.

Well worth the time investment. Trust me.

MC09 or MC-909 ?


mc-09. I was interested in the 909 for a while but settled on the 505 but moved on from that.

I have the mc707 and 101. I know it must seem nuts to try the mc09 but I was so curious. It’s maddening!

And I’m excited about the rs7000! I wish there were more tutorials and that it was way smaller. This thing is so cool already!!

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really jealous of that AN200 find! that was one of the main tools for one of my favourite artists.

maybe not for everyone hahaha

Yah, Roland isn’t exactly well known for their helpful manuals.

Best way to go about things is to hide the manual along with any 80s microwave cookbooks in a deep dark cave guarded by Gollum and approach it with the spirit of exploration.

Instead of asking “how do I do X?”, ask “what happens if I do this?” And then do it and see what falls out. You can always go back and dig out the manual once you’ve started putting 2 + 2 together, things will likely make a bit more sense by then.

Had to do this in order to learn how to use a pawnshop sp808 with no manual and no internet back in the day; and it was one of the most exciting/rewarding periods in my musical history.

Also, congrats on the AN200 - haven’t had much to do with them, but the DX200 is my favourite groovebox of all time.

(edit sp808 not 404)


Man I sold my dx200 for 450 last year. Now I see them going for 700-1000!! Prices are so wild sometimes…

And I love the advice. Thank you!

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DX200 is an amazing sounding and fun bit of kit imho.

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I’m having fun with my Roland TB03 bass synth.

I love grooveboxes (I’d consider every Elektron box a groovebox even if they don’t market it as such). My oldest is the Electribe ES-1, unless you count the QY70. I’ve got so much stuff that does what the ES-1 does, but there’s just something about it that makes me never want to get rid of it… unless they hit Monomachine prices :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m forever tempted when I see an RS7000 or RM1x or similar age box come up, but I know that I probably wouldn’t really get along well with the sequencing workflow.

Did you ever play with the electribe esx? I’m wondering how much more that can do than the es-1. I have the emx so I have a decent idea, but am curious.

I believe the ESX has chromatic support for samples, which is a pretty huge thing really, and one of my only real complaints about the ES-1.

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If you need inspiration on the RS7K, check out this bit of insanity.


I didn’t have the dx200 and digitone at the same time. I’ve had the digitone and have the digitone keys. If you’ve had those, and can remember, what would you say you liked about them vs the dx200 and vice versa?

Never touched a Digitone I’m afraid.

I’m sure some nice cat will send me one / or a keys any day now.

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I have both (AN, DX) and have to say that they are good (old) grooveboxes on their own. They are not so easy to use, but the sound is simply unique and something very special. But if you have a Digitone and Digitakt, as in my case, you quickly lose interest in the Yamaha grooveboxes. Workflow + sound are way better than the Yamaha. But i love my Yamahas and keep them of course. :wink:


Yes. I had both ESX1 and EMX1.
ESX is basically identical to the EMX except samples instead of synths. It has a slices part, and a timestretch part. The chromatic playback of samples was great on the keyboard parts. Really good range. Great sampler if you get on with the electribe thing. Punchy as hell.


I can’t remember, are the drums the same on the an200 and dx200?

I miss them both, but good to remember the digitone is a total beast in similar ways and beyond.


Does the Alexis micron count as a groovesynth in some ways? I want to count it!

I just got one this week. I’m blown away by it. I’ve owned and played every high end synth. This one sounds absolutely amazing and is so unique and fun. I understand the short comings, but I’m so charmed and intrigued by it and can’t believe how cheap they sell. I ordered the miniak and want the ion despite them all basically being the same.

I’ve always wanted to spend time with the RY30 but not sure if it is a total pain to program or not but I really enjoy the sound of the early AWM2 stuff.

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