One painter artist who paints paintings

No way I can pick a single painting. I love too many.

One of the big Dienbendorn Ocean Park Series paintings.

A late Philip Guston (Painting, Smoking, Eating?)

An Amy Sillman. One of the Howard Hodgkin paintings with really long active dates (some were started and finished 10+ years apart). A Thomas Nozkowski.

Yeah, cannot decide, so sorry.

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The Banquet, René Magritte


A geometric Mondrian. Not the most original but hey ho

When I was young we had a Modigliani portrait print that used to scare every kid who came to our house with eyes that followed you. That would be a nice one to have for sentimental reasons

Girl With Pigtails.


We had a print of the Song of the Lark growing up.

It was always just there by the doorway. So it was normal to see it and drink it in with a casual gaze.

I loved how her look towards the horizon along with the blood red sun and falling light gave an ominous feeling.

I was delighted to find it here in the collection at The Art Institute of Chicago.

This thread prompt is actually interesting…

This is the exact consequence if you were to steal a painting from a museum. Once taken out of circulation, its value is only relevant to the owner.



Guston, when he created a stir and went figurative to the outrage of the art world, are some of the most powerful paintings ever in my opinion; and obviously now celebrated. Although, they are a bit too intense for me to want to wake up to across from my bed or to look at while eating but he and Hammershøi are easily my two favorite painters.

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Do you have something you want to get off your chest? I don’t know people but I know people who might know people…

You don’t happen to be French BLKrbbt?!

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Oh, I’m sorry! (maybe French Canadian)

I was using the “actually” as a qualifier for the point I was going to make.

Your post are always interesting and thought provoking.

I remember you posted something about a poet before as well, amirite?

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A Girl by the Window by Iman Maleki


I was just kidding. I’ve had a few French friends over the years and my partner is French, they always like to throw in an actually :joy:

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Haha yeah, I was trying to find one and imagining them in my home and I think I’d be disturbed daily. So maybe one of the abstracts would be better.

Although the one of him and his wife sleeping is really sweet, despite the same violent color scheme.

Zuckerberg portrait made from the artist’s poop doesn’t totally stink

Edit - no one has called this one yet, right?


Shit, that’s wild! Hope that canvas is two ply?


He looks like a very charmin-g man.


I would take entire Diego Rivera Mural Courtyard from the Detroit Institute of Art.


Definitely Ashley Wood .


Ooh, choices. Possibly Julie Mehrehtu’s Transcending: The New International

Or Zhao Mengfu’s Twin Pines, Level Distance


Any of the Oranges by Rothko