One Sound Only on AR Pad

Is there any way to have just one sound on pad on AR, instead of two sounds layered (the original sound that’s on the pad, plus the one I’m adding)? Being able to layer sounds is great, but what if I only want the sound that I added? Thanks. :notes:

You can disable the sample and synth engines separately in the Trig/Sample menus.

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Can you please tell me how to do this? Also, will the be gone forever, or can I still reload the kit?

Volume to 0. Or machine / sample to none. Easy.


Depends which you want to disable, sample or synth. If sample either set the sample slot to NONE on the SMPL page, or turn the volume down on the sample (suggest the former)

If it’s the synth, on the SRC page set the level to ZERO or double tap SRC and set the engine to DISABLE.

If you make the changes, and don’t like them, reload the kit. If you like them you can either save the kit, or save the kit to a new slot. If you want to ensure you have those sounds for the future, you could first save the track sounds as sounds, and then change them after saving them…lot’s of options here.

In general with the RYTM it really pays to read the manual. FWIW whenever I want to start tweaking sounds I start my saving the kit as a new kit, so I can always go back to where I started if needed.

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Thanks for the replies. I thought I had turned down the volume on the synth; I guess I did in the wrong place (track level). I have been reading the manual (haven’t read in order or front to back, but, sometimes, it’s had to know where to look for the answer. :blush:

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The Elektron manuals are deep, but hard work.

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Yeah, track level controls both, amp volume is available as seperate control for synth and sample.

You can also disable synth or sample engine from the trig menu (SYN and SMP bottom left):
