Open Battle #02: "Buchlaed"

Please leave me a couple of days, I’d like to throw something but haven’t had the time to finish this last weekend.


looking forward to it @LyingDalai :smiley_cat:
let’s then extend the deadline to end of this week, that should hopefully give plenty time to everyone
new extended deadline: Friday 4th


Thank you very much, @guga!


Yay! I’m in :handshake:

Beautiful @korpinen

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Very last minute entry, and also my first entry to any sort of challenge… All sequenced in multiples of five from AR and A4 recorded in one take.


Some great sounds in this one!

This is banging but also very woozy feeling :slight_smile:

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two very different tracks @HisMostDarxxxellent and @ccr, enjoyed listening to both.

ok, let’s then set the deadline to this coming sunday the 6th, no more extensions after that or we’ll be stuck on this challenge way too long and i think it would be nice to move on to the next one. starting from monday it’ll be voting time :smiley:

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Yay! Really appreciate this. Thanks @guga

I too have listened to the submissions and enjoyed them all.

What are we doing with feedback exactly, guys?

There’s still time for some of your dark side flavours, mate :wink:

Mate, I’m sooooo fucking busy right now, but I’ll try and give something a bang over the weekend.

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I hear ya… Do what you gotta do, bro :facepunch:

I’m a big fan of the Buchla Music Easel and have fun with the Arturia version. I have been curious about using its 5 step sequencer more and more.

This couldn’t have come at a better time. I had my machines at 140bpm since I began my hardware journey. Everything has been 4x4.
Just before this battle and since making an album - almost a year ago now - I have been trying to figure out ways to make the banging music I have in my head and the music that I really enjoy. So I researched and I thought and still kinda think that modular is the only way. That said, I know the Elektron RYTM and OT, are very complex machines so I do believe I can get the results, or at least try, with these machines.

Everything set to 5 steps. Only one pattern. Lots of conditional trigs. Brilliant fun.
Recorded the stereo file out to Logic and uploaded.

Gear used…

Thank you for creating this competition. It was perfect timing for me. A couple of things happened that felt like they were meant to be.

It was fantastic for me. This is my entry.
I am so thankful for this challenge. It has changed the way I work forever.

I finally managed to get the idea out. Third time lucky.

I hope I can use this as my entry. Sorry it’s late :confused:


i’d like to see @LyingDalai track in here too so i think the deadline can be shifted a bit more, as the last one was set for this past sunday.
i would say once @LyingDalai posts the entry here, then voting can start, meaning if there’s still someone that wants to join in last minute, there’s still some time :smiley:


haha you chose a video where the sequencer is doing four steps. I love that dude’s stuff though.

here’s one with five steps. also it’s a Sigur Ros cover so win-win!


ah, appreciate those words :relaxed:

The track came out, start to finish, in an hour or two which I’m guessing is very AFX style. The complexity of the drums just fell out of the Blackbox’s sequencer, I barely programmed anything :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Damn I can’t betray such high hopes, got to get something decent out!


Awwww hey no pressure. It is difficult though… I mean take a look at my entries… took me lots of intense work over a very short period.

I’d love to hear what you come up with for this 5 step challenge. We are eager to hear your entry if you can :wink:

I have a beat. Some little melodic lines. But I have to work on this, and for some reason I keep having friends coming home to take a beer in the garden… Summer is coming :stuck_out_tongue:


Great! Slap it down on the table! It is what it is. If I’m brutally honest, mine is not finished still but I will definitely revisit it. Most of the elements are there and that’s enough for now! Don’t be too harsh on yourself. It’s the taking part what counts :wink:

That said, cracking open a cold one because some friends happen by is a perfectly valid excuse :crazy_face: