OpenAI - ChatGPT: what a surprise

I wonder if Nigerian prince scammers are worried about AI taking their jobs.

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I havenā€™t seen anything artistically impressive yet.


When AI starts writing stuff that sounds like Bill Callahan Iā€™ll be worried.

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Not familiar with his stuff so cannot really form an opinion.

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Heā€™s an American ā€œsinger song-writerā€ with rather amazing lyrics. Might not sound like your cup of tea but you might be surprisedā€¦

This would be my first entry in a ā€œdisconcerting songsā€ threadā€¦


Thanks but really not my cup.

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No worries. While I see how current AI can create content I think a lot of people confuse that with it being able to create content with an actually sense of meaning.


You must be listening to some gaaaaarbage because this ā€œpoemā€ is just awful


Sometimes ppl wanā€™t experiences that offer a total lack of meaning, for a distraction/numbing effect.
Kind of a McDonalds moment for your soul. :slight_smile:

I donā€™t see how any meaning in philosophical sense would ever be derived from AI as it couldnā€™t in any case give a flying.


Yep, absolute BS.


Based on the poem I think a lot of Hallmark copywriters might need cheery ā€œsorry you were firedā€ greeting cards soon.

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i watched the first 8 minutes of willow tv series then the final episode.

the script seemed to be written by AGI.

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Poetic justice lol.

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Astrology, I Ching, and simple coin flips are all algorithmic divination systems that have provided meaning for many people over time.

Somewhat more conventionally, staring at a candle or waterfall can be inspiring, and showers are frequently inspiring. Meaning often emerges from interaction with stochastic processes, but we tend to attribute the meaning to the person experiencing the shower rather than the shower itself.

Iā€™m comfortable with the idea that humans can obtain meaning from the output of AI. That just moves the goalposts: I donā€™t know what exactly a human does that turns sensory input into meaning.

Does a dog have Buddha-nature? Does an AI?


Sure you can project meaning to pretty much anything, but Itā€™s you who creates the meaning there, not necessarily the medium.

I Ching, Tarot, Astrology etc, work more like mirrors than some kind of meaning generating engines.

Maybe my initial statement was expressed in a stupid way but personally I think that poetry is more about specific emotional experiences, good poetry at least.

The one the OP posted is just dull and moronic in my view. Laughable.
More like a grocery list of clicheā€™s than something from someones heart.

This is not to insult anyone who likes the AIā€™s poem, just my two cents.


I feel like the more layers we add to the world with technology the more confused and muffle our ears to Buddha nature become. I use to play candle, waterfall, coin often as a child but never won as I refused to accept that throwing a coin out could purchase a sense of winning. I only threw waterfalls and while I knew, that my opponents knew that I always would (throw waterfalls) I still did so knowing that I would feel closer to Buddha nature in how I lost than in the way I could have won.


It was either this or ā€œWaterfallsā€ by TLC :upside_down_face:

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Time for a mash-up!

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If only there was an AI bot we could enlist for the jobā€¦ :thinking:

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I guess in the future the use of AI, be it for code-generating-duties, picture-creation, music-creation and so on will be depending on the input-language: garbage in - garbage out, i think we need to see AI as an instrument