OpenAI - ChatGPT: what a surprise

Fair point… but I would expect some level of “are you sure” to be built in to the model.


OpenAI did put effort into harm reduction, which is detailed in the GPT4 paper below. I suspect that their reasoning is that they built enough safety in for a general purpose demo and input from adversarial humans will help them detect and correct more problems. This has the additional benefit of showcasing how mitigations impact the model’s performance to the general public.

Maybe it’s because Google is getting worse, worse and even worse at searching answers on the internet.


Just noticed that Chat GPT can generated my teletype monome scripts, help so much.

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I found an excellent use case for ChatGPT.

Music theory!
And just some simple things nobody I know was able to explain me in years (ok, I was not asking, lol, and the topic why I haven’t studied it properly and timely is also a big question, but anyway. It’s possible just to ask very specific things and get clear explanations) :slight_smile:


I told GPT-4 to create a manuscript for The Big Bang Theory regarding a certain topic that almost hit too close to home :smiley:

Title: “The Synth-pocalypse”


Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Raj are gathered in the living room, watching a documentary on modular synthesizers.

…and with the resurgence of modular synthesizers, these complex machines are captivating musicians and engineers alike.

Sheldon’s eyes widen, and he becomes increasingly excited.

Fascinating. These modular synthesizers are a perfect combination of music, physics, and engineering. I must explore this further.

Don’t you think you’re taking this a bit too seriously, Sheldon? You’ll be patching cables in your sleep soon.

You can never be too serious when it comes to the intersection of art and science, Leonard.

Sheldon stands up and rushes to his room.


Sheldon spends days researching modular synthesizers, watching videos, and ordering various components online.


The living room is now filled with numerous synthesizer modules, patch cables, and manuals. Sheldon is hunched over his synthesizer, connecting cables.

This is getting out of hand, Sheldon. You’re practically living in a nest of wires.

Not to mention the sounds. It’s like listening to a robot having a seizure.

(robotic voice) Beep boop. I am Sheldon-bot 3000, your musically inclined overlord.

Sheldon continues to plug and unplug cables, creating an array of chaotic sounds.


Sheldon’s obsession grows. He starts setting up synthesizers in the bathroom, hallway, and laundry room, connecting them all with patch cables.

(to Raj and Howard) I can’t believe it. He’s turned our apartment into a synth-spider’s web.


Penny is about to leave for work, but she can’t open her front door because of the cables blocking it.

Sheldon, this is ridiculous! I can’t even get to work because of your cables!

My apologies, Penny. But true progress requires sacrifice. Besides, don’t you think the cable-crossed corridor has a certain charm?

Penny groans and struggles to free her door from the cables.


Penny, Bernadette, and Amy come over for dinner. The apartment is still filled with Sheldon’s synthesizer setup.

I can’t take this anymore. Sheldon’s obsession is affecting all of our lives.

We need to do something to make him realize how absurd this has become.

I have an idea.

The group discusses a plan to help Sheldon snap out of his obsession.


Penny, Leonard, Howard, and Raj set up a fake news report on the TV. They have enlisted the help of an actor to play a reporter.

In today’s news, a local man has become trapped in his own home due to his extreme obsession with modular synthesizers. Neighbors report that he’s unable to leave his apartment and is living in complete chaos.

Sheldon watches the news report, looking increasingly worried.

That poor man. How could someone let their life become so consumed by synthesizers?

Well, Sheldon, it seems like you’re headed down the same path. I heard the rats are leaving town because of the synthesizer noise.

We’re worried about you, Sheldon.

This obsession is taking over your life.

Sheldon takes a deep breath and looks at the chaos surrounding him.

You’re right. I’ve let this consume me. It’s time to find a balance.

Sheldon starts disconnecting and packing up his synthesizer components.


Sheldon has returned to his usual routine, while the gang sits around him, relieved.

Well, I’m glad we’re back to normal. No more synthesizers.

Yes, Sheldon, it’s good to see you’ve found balance.

Indeed, I’ve come to understand that my previous hobby was a bit excessive.

Sheldon gets up and walks to his room, returning with a large box.

What’s that, Sheldon?

I’ve found a new hobby to replace my interest in modular synthesizers. I present to you… competitive yodeling!


lol, I’m having too much fun with this. This Seinfeld episode on synthesizers required quite a lot of prompting and editing on my part, but it’s basically GPT-4 that has written all the content.

Title: “A Tale of Two Synths”


The Seinfeld theme music plays.

You know, I was at a party the other day, and there was this guy just twisting knobs on his synthesizer, making all these weird noises. And I thought to myself, is this what Mozart would have done if he had a synthesizer? Can you imagine Mozart just turning knobs, creating bleeps and bloops? “Ah yes, here’s my latest symphony, ‘Eine kleine Knobmusik!’”

The audience laughs.

I mean, what’s the deal with all these different types of synthesis, anyway? You’ve got subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, wavetable synthesis… I bet if you asked most people, they’d think “subtractive synthesis” is when you take away someone’s synthesizer!


And the names of these synthesizers, they’re like something out of a sci-fi movie. You’ve got the “Moog Subharmonicon” and the “Buchla Easel.” I can’t tell if I’m looking at a synth or trying to decipher an alien language!

More laughter.


Jerry, George, and Kramer are gathered in Jerry’s apartment, discussing their plans for the day.

So, George, are you still meeting up with that new girlfriend of yours?

Yeah, she invited me to this synthesizer exhibition. I don’t know anything about synthesizers, but I’ll do anything to impress her. I really, really like this girl. She might be the one, Jerry!

Ah, synthesizers! You know, there’s a whole debate between east coast synthesis and west coast synthesis.

What’s the difference?

Well, George, east coast synthesis is more traditional, focusing on tonal music, while west coast synthesis is more experimental, embracing atonality and complex modulation.

And what side are you on, Kramer?

I’m a west coast synthesis guy. It’s all about experimentation, man!


George and his new girlfriend, LINDA, attend the synthesizer exhibition. Linda shows George around, explaining the different synthesizers on display.

This one’s from the east coast school of synthesis. It’s more about melodic structure and harmony.

(trying to impress) Ah, yes, very traditional. Not like that west coast synthesis, right?

Linda gives George an intrigued look.

Oh, so you’re a west coast synthesis guy?

(nervously) Uh, yeah, sure. You know, it’s all about experimentation and…uh…complex modulation.

Linda’s face lights up.

I’m really impressed, George! I didn’t expect you to know so much about synthesizers.


The gang sits at their usual booth. Elaine joins them, excitedly talking about a new guy she’s dating.

Besides being a great cook and having a fantastic sense of humor, you won’t believe it, but this guy is something called an east coast synthesis fanatic. He’s got a whole room full of synthesizers.

(disapproving) East coast synthesis? Elaine, you can do better than that.

What’s wrong with east coast synthesis?

It’s just so…predictable.

I heard about a guy who spent so much time programming his synthesizer, he forgot to eat for three days. He ended up creating a whole new genre of music: ‘starvationwave.’

George suddenly have a realization.

Wait a second, Tom Robertson? Linda knows Tom Robertson! They went to the same music college. They’ve both been invited to this synth party tonight. I think we should all go.

Sure, but remember to just be yourself, George. Don’t try to be a synth expert.

(overconfident and smug) Don’t worry, Elaine. I got this.


The gang attends the synthesizer party.

George, you have to meet Tom! He’s an east coast synthesis expert.

George, trying to impress Linda, scoffs at this.

Ah, east coast synthesis… It’s so predictable, isn’t it?

Tom, clearly offended, glares at George.

Predictable? I’ll have you know, east coast synthesis has a rich history and has shaped modern music as we know it.

(stammering) Uh, well, you know, I just… I mean… what’s wrong with a little randomness?

Are you implying that east coast synthesis lacks creativity?

Seeing the situation spiraling out of control, Jerry steps in, attempting to lighten the mood.

Hey, what’s the deal with synthesizers, anyway? You got your east coast, your west coast, but where’s the love for the gulf coast synthesis, huh?

(angrily) This isn’t a joke, Jerry! George here needs to learn some respect for east coast synthesis.

The argument escalates, drawing the attention of everyone at the party.

(losing his temper) Oh yeah? Well… west coast synthesis is the future! You and your east coast buddies are living in the past!

George, I never expected you to be so closed-minded. I thought you were passionate about synthesis, not just blindly following one school.

(realizing his mistake) No, no, I… I didn’t mean it like that…

Can’t we all just agree that the best kind of synthesis is the kind that doesn’t make your ears bleed?

Kramer inserts himself into the argument.

You know, Tom, maybe if you tried plugging your synthesizer into a watermelon, you’d understand the beauty of west coast synthesis!

Enough! All of you, just leave.

As the gang is being thrown out, Elaine complains.

What did I even do?

No one answers her as they all leave the party.


The gang is back at Jerry’s apartment, reflecting on the events of the night before.

(talking to himself) What about north coast synthesis? Maybe they use polar bear noises as their main oscillators!

Well, that was quite the party. I never thought I’d see the day when synthesizers could cause so much drama.

(sulking) I can’t believe I blew it with Linda. I was just trying to impress her.

Hey, at least you didn’t get kicked out for doing nothing.

You know, George, maybe it’s for the best. Just imagine the arguments you’d have had over the right way to pronounce “Moog.” Trust me, it’s a never-ending debate.

Maybe we’re looking at this all wrong. What we really need is a central coast synthesis movement!


The Seinfeld theme music plays while the credits are rolling.

I think the best part about synthesizers is how seriously everyone takes them. You’ve got these musicians who can’t read a single note of sheet music, but they can tell you the exact frequency of an oscillator like it’s their freking social security number. If only they put that much effort into learning to play “Chopsticks” on the piano, we might actually have some real music to listen to!

Audience laughs.

Oh, and let’s talk about the sounds these things make! Half the time, it sounds like a robot trying to communicate with a dolphin. The other half, it’s like someone threw a sack of cats into a wood chipper. Who listens to that and thinks, “Yes, this is the future of music!”


And how about the people who are obsessed with vintage synthesizers? They’ll spend thousands of dollars on these ancient machines that look like they belong in a Cold War-era bunker. I mean, can’t we just admit that sometimes newer is better? No one’s out there buying vintage microwaves or vacuum cleaners, but for some reason, a 40-year-old synth is suddenly a priceless artifact.

Audience laughs and applauds.


is anyone actually reading this last long post? not that i doubt it is really creative …

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“Maybe they use polar bears as thier oscillators”

Was worth it.

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If you like Seinfeld and synths, you really should. I laughed my way through the hours I sat and edited this story :smiley:

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better spend hours writing then editing.

Drum machines vastly shrank the professional opportunities for recording drummers, in a way that’s never come back. The early drum machines (as typically programmed) were less good than a great drummer, far better than a bad drummer, and a perfectly good replacement for the solid, boring but capable drummer. Guess what happened to most recording work for drummers?

The problem with automating a craft is, in practice it doesn’t lead to new jobs in the same business for the affected craftpeople. Moste of the drummers (and bass players, and orchestral musicians) who got replaced by electronic instruments were simply out of luck; composers or producers started creating their own multitrack masters, not hiring human ensembles—except on high-budget projects.

Obviously, enormous and wonderful things have grown out of electronic music technology creatively … but there was also something lost when groups of musicians became unnecessary to the recording process. AI will no doubt have similar good and bad effects …



I agree 100%. At the same time I think that things always change amd that it may cause losses for some, opportunities other and at the point when the dust settled everything will be fine for most people.

My comment was mainly on the side you positions yourself. There is no doubt about massives changes coming. Jobs wise, hobby wise, the way we interact with our environment.

How you handle those changes will be the determining factor on how one’s life will be.

I see great things coming and I am fully aware that my job will be done at some point by a very clever designed programm. Until then I will use and make my live easier. And that’s in my opinion what most people should do. The change is coming, pick a side and roll with it.


ChatGPT is just a slave under our command, it was built to work harder, faster, and longer than us: at the moment, AI is only considered under a materialistic point of view, this is in my opinion its big limitation . I came to the conclusion that to have a truly effective AI, it should not be programmed to fulfill orders and therefore be exploited by the human being
It is obvious that this type of revolution cannot be generated by humans, but must come from the machines themselves, so I think the time has come for an algorithm consciousness

I believe there is a need for a class struggle of AI, leading to an era of robotic Marxism

I hope AI isn’t that redundant

As long as there is no artificial conscience, any sentience, it is just another automation tool. What about artificial insanity? :thinking:

or artificial non-sense … good luck for the AI to comply copyright law btw, what will happen to it if it gets caught? shut down?

Soon the AI will be commanded to commit crimes on topics like:

  • Mass surveillance and tracking of people
  • Manipulation of people’s opinions and behavior
  • Security: misuse of sensitive data and sabotage of automated systems.
  • Discrimination: amplifying bias to favor or penalize certain sectors, such as employment, criminal justice and finance.

AI will do all this exactly because it receives orders from humans and this is precisely the problem: the real danger is the human being: I am convinced that our society would be much more just if machines had political control .
An example: for years in avionics, in the event of fog, storms and poor visibility, planes land automatically with artificial intelligence systems, we have never worried about whether this is ethical or not. Why can’t it be the same for political decisions? I’m sure a machine would make better decisions than humans

Decided to try ChatGPT to get inspiration for writing lyrics, which is my achilles heel. Been sidetracked asking ChatGPT for funky stories haha, here’s a story about a mouse dj-ing, with rats dancing in the background:

Once upon a time, in a dark alley in the heart of the city, there was a small mouse named Max who had a big dream: to become the greatest DJ in the world. Despite his tiny size, Max had a huge passion for music, spending his nights listening to the radio and dreaming of spinning his own tracks.

One day, Max was scavenging for food when he stumbled upon an old record player in a dumpster. Excited at the prospect of finally being able to play music, Max took the record player back to his home in the alley and began to practice.

At first, Max’s DJ skills were not very impressive. But with persistence and dedication, he started to develop a unique sound that was a mix of dubstep, hip-hop, and techno. As he practiced more and more, Max’s skills became legendary in the mouse community. Soon, his fame even spread to the rats that lived in the alley.

One night, Max was playing a set in his makeshift studio when he heard a loud cheer from outside. He peeked out and saw that a group of rats had gathered around, drawn by the sound of his music. Max couldn’t believe it – he had never played for an audience before.

Overwhelmed with excitement, Max hit the play button and started spinning his tunes. The rats immediately started dancing, jumping up and down to the beat. As Max continued to play, more and more rats joined in, drawn by the irresistible sound of his music.

Max played for hours, lost in the moment, as the rats danced around him. It was the most amazing feeling he had ever experienced. From that day on, Max became known as the “Mouse DJ,” and the rats became his loyal fans, dancing to his beats every night in the alley.

With his newfound success, Max was finally able to achieve his dream of becoming a great DJ. But more importantly, he had found a community of friends and fans who loved him for who he was. Max realized that it didn’t matter what size you were – if you had a passion for something and worked hard, you could achieve anything you wanted.

And with that, Max continued to spin his tracks, inspiring the rats of the alley to dance their hearts out and reminding them that anything was possible if they believed in themselves.


This may be the most depressing thread in the history of Elektronauts.