Edited because I figured some stuff out
I’m in the process of moving my samples in to the Digitakt, and so far I have them uploaded in to a shiny new directory. Everything is organized and ready to be assigned to projects.
However, I’m wondering if there’s a way to preview samples on the RAM. Obviously FUNC + Yes plays previews while you’re browsing the + Drive, but this doesn’t seem to work when you’re in “view RAM” mode. Frustrating because it makes it hard to remember what I want to unload from a project without being able to preview.
Lastly: I would be curious to know how most people approach project management. I’m thinking that every time I start a new song I’ll create a new project, and then select what samples will be used for that project at the beginning. This will steer me down a clear path for that track, though I’d imagine there will be times that I just want to turn on and jam as well. I guess I can have a basic “default jam” project with a little bit of everything for those times. Opinions appreciated!