Order in which you do things?

Step 0: Being bored is the best foundation to start a fun session.

Step 1: decide on the BPM I feel at that moment and set it.

Step 2: choose an AR drum loop that I feel inspired by (might do new, more fitting one later)

Step 3 (funpart): Go sound hunting through my synths. Once I get inspired by a sound, I durdle around with it over the drum loop. Record a sketch.

Step 4: Now that I have sound + somewhat melody, it’s easier to go hunting for more sounds / melodies that go along well with the first one. All the while trying to keep the mix in mind and refrain from using sounds that overlap too much frequency-wise.

Step 5: Record some more sketches and run them through my Boss RC 505 loopstation, which I love for its immediacy and simplicity in the composition process.

Step 6: mix and quantize some of the tracks in Ableton

Step 7: bounce them back in my hardware and practice some more for upcoming performances

Step 8: Record a sketch of the sum and send it around my circle of artists I do collabs with, to inquire if they’d be willing to do something with the stems. (I suck at DAW production).


It’s certainly a step it the right direction. However true mastery is spending said money first.

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I seem to get ideas for songs in the middle of the night and forget them by the morning :slight_smile:

I start out on piano. That way I don’t get caught up with the distraction of looking for the sound but can come up with a cool chord progression and accompaniment. Usually come up with a verse and chorus with a made up vocal and built from there. The middle parts always the hardest I find.

Another way that always works is an Octatrack midi jam with a few patterns then. Jam along with a string sound on a synth whilst changing pattern on the Octatrack

I don’t think I struggle with ideas for songs, but do struggle to be in the right place mentally where I can focus to finish a song. But that’s a different story altogether :slight_smile:


In that order and not in parallel is what I sometimes remind myself of. I’ve been toying with the idea to add one of these text lamps that highlight the characters you put into it and have it sitting in the studio with a “Now:” on the top row and then the selected phase from the four above (for example “Now: Composition”) - just to emphasize it when I start to look up from the machines.

I feel like the webcam on my Macbook has been relaying my experiences to you! Near enough my total way of working described in your post.

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I would interpret the card to suggest to reconsider the way you would usually do anything. We all have habits that get reinforced by repetition and it’s easy to defualt to them without thinking about it.

I find the best way to avoid that is to be actively trying to not do it. Sometimes I’ll restrict myself with an arbitrary rule or limitation to see if I can get outside my usual line of thinking and see what may result.

Turn machines on
Twist knobs and press buttons
Nothing makes sense
Turn machines off

You’re welcome, my thoughts on the cards are that they are out to get rid of writers block.

Writer’s block can be a blessing in disguise! I use this time to try new set ups/gear configurations.

Set up two machines you don’t usually use together and then just jam. Record… listen back. Repeat.

Maybe try something new with midi… there’s always something I’ve put off trying to do because sorting the midi felt like a pain.

I’ll comb through sample libraries and maybe make a new kit on my rytm or an ableton drum rack… not ‘writing’ at all, but preparing things for that time. This often leads to unintentional tracks and happy accidents.

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When it happens, after a week i understaned the situation, then I’m starting to clean the computer, re ordering the samples or uploading them to g drive , uninstalling things i dont use. Backup my hardware synths and along the way things happening, sometimws to a great jam

Btw, jamming with friends is a good trigger.


because you’re not doing things or anything you like (or to be happy with) theres no order to look at… i think the card talks this time about unlearn the process… what i think is that everything is a construction and also were constructing all the time inside this concept. maybe it´s time to deconstruct. i suggest make the music without thinking as an exercise, just impulse.


On the order of which you do things.
Good people are not something I’ve had
around me much in life
because i didn’t
look at it close enough.
I’m starting to think it’s
one of the most impactful
errors I’ve made, you know, not putting
effort into meeting and knowing people that are good to have around. I am thinking to change the order of this.


Order in the things which you look at.

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