OS Upgrade: Digitakt 1.30

Has it? When and by whom?


Ok. Now I really need a Digitakt.

Added external audio input functionality and a new EXTERNAL MIXER IN parameter page.

Will this translates in Overbridge? Are we gonna be able to select L, R or L+R when using the DT’s Inputs with OB?


Not previously on Elektronauts :grinning:

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This was awhile ago. I don’t remember. I might be misremembering.

If only we had a Previously On wizard…

Also kind of wondering, if dual mono input processing is possible, but neither dual mono sampling nor neighbor audio tracks were implemented, does this mean that those are were not possible to implement? 🤷🏾

Regardless, thank you Elektron. I’m going to go get lost in the DT now :v:t4:

Fantastic. Thank you this is immense

… still would love to see some sample editor UI and functionality updates in the DT


Awesome update indeed!
Could someone confirm older projects stay unchanged sound wise?

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All previous updates are backwards compatible so I can’t see why this one wouldn’t be.

These came up in a search with other similar comments. I was under the impression it was an official position because I’d heard it from someone official myself.

But god knows anymore with MIDI and trig condis…


you can monitor ext inputs via the fx and comp, but capturing the inputs still creates a stereo file with e.g. a synth panned hard left and another hard right (when capturing the inputs individually). hopefully there’ll soon be the option to capture L&R as 2x mono files as we can the main 8x tracks.


About what’s inside. The A4/AR/DT just have one Coldfire MCF5441 inside

Interesting, so if AR/DT are the same inside CPUwise then it begs the question, which is more tasking, the 8 tracks of midi sequencing (all those CCs and 8 extra LFOs) or the extra analogue/perf/scene control…

It’s the only machine i’ve heard (besides OT) as being pushed a bit - this was an unofficial/unlinkable throwaway comment from someone with good credibility - and as has been mentioned, it’s often possible to recover some horsepower with a tweak here and there


Haha. I just bought a new soundcard for my iPad so I could mix the DN, DT, and Medusa with fx! This update makes that purchase not needed! Good lord. Loving it.

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Yep, still I’d rather get some confirmation before updating, so many new features, so many possible bugs :slight_smile:

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Implemented an intensity setting for the LEDs and OLED screen. The option is located in the SYSTEM menu.


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Holy !@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!!! What a great day to own a DT!


likely from one of the bazillion Cenk commentaries on the demo circuit in 2014! I wouldn’t be so crude/harsh as to declare it a ‘f###ing lie’ as though some sort of malevolent misdirection or conspiracy … merely what’s understood at a particular time, relayed in good faith.


Sold mine last week, i feel with you