This thread touched on a few areas of interest to me, not least of which the potential to capture things internally, albeit short ideas or very short as i like to use the flex machines ram for the content
So i did a little unscientific test, there may be flaws in my approach, but as it has bearing on my likely workflow choices i’ve stuck with it to see if there’s much to be gained from one approach to the other
i sourced a 24bit/192 recording snippet freely available online, first thing i found (couldn’t quickly find a 24/44.1 or 24/88.2), down-sampled this (Wave Editor OSX) to 24/44.1 and normalized to -3dB
Imported into the OT, assigned to a Static and played (think of this as the reference)
Then recorded in 24bit in a recorder, then added the +3db gain four times internally, to recover the reduction ‘inflicted’ by the audio engine (That’s Elektron language, straight from the pdf)
I also recorded the Static track at the headphone outs, this recording needed a small amount of gain to bring it to norm-3
So three files were there to scrutinise and i’m making these available for someone to see if they can discern meaningful difference for this particular material
There’s the converted original
There’s an internal re-sampling which had gain correction +12dB
There’s a ‘brand name not given yet’ field recorder tap (24/44.1) at the headphone out
The two recording methods are discussed/judged in the thread which piqued my interest
I wanted to see if my using the headphone method was such a big deal because it’s the method i use because it’s simplest and keeps the flow going even though i’m always sat in front of my motu equipped imac !
The files are 24/44.1 wavs, one full with three files back to back, the other with the briefer opening passage to allow easier comparisons on loop. I ended up doing it blind by allowing the file to loop (unsighted) and then trying to pick out the ‘original’
I’m not saying which order the recordings are in, but it’s the same for both tests, it was ordered randomly to ensure i didn’t bias the order
see if you can pick which is which by auditioning them (ideally on loop), primarily if you’re interested in the potential differences and so we can discuss the pros/cons of the OT recording headroom or field recorders tapping the headphone socket
There’s two wavs in a zip here - site seems safe !
fwiw - i could consistently tell the original when testing blind (with 1 exception), but then again i knew what difference i heard when i compared them before doing it blind