You can do that if you transmit program change midi messages with the octatrack, and set your machinedrum to receive them! Each machine’s patterns will be locked together then.
In your machinedrum slot there is a map editor where u can assign patterns to notes. Use an OT midi track assigned to the base md channel and set up a trig with matching note to what you set in the md map editor.
Mute the OT midi track if you don’t want to change md pattern as you change OT patterns/parts… Use Lfo assigned to note to change md patterns in sequence, randomly or for fills and also appreciate the fact that you get instant pattern changes on both devices, unlike when you use standard program change messages (i generally have program change switched off on OT and md as i dont always want to be forced to match eg. pattern a1 matched to a1, plus OT has twice as many banks/patterns).
No worries Trabant. Happy ending.
Re: auto chained patterns… Maybe you are pressing multiple notes at once in chromatic mode, thereby creating pattern chains on the MD? Not sure as I never tried that method.
FYI, I just keep a txt doc on my ipad of all note assignments so when setting up new patterns linked to the OT I dont overwrite previous song info by using already assigned notes.
And re the map editor modes… GATE starts pattern on MIDI NOTE ON then stops on MIDI NOTE OFF.
START will immediately initiate the new pattern once trigged.
QUE plays until end of pattern then will switch to the next.
yeah multi map on the elektron boxes is good stuff.
and queue mode to auto chain is really great! like you figured out you can just quickly send midi notes to get a chain going and then switch to doing other things.
using the arp on the octatrack to trigger the multi map is really handy as well…also the LFO designer!
What I’m trying to figure out if I can use notes to change the patterns on the MD while the MD syncs to the OT. I always get a double note (or a flam) on the beginning of a pattern change.
It works with Program Changes, but as noted by Ozone then you’re forced to match all patterns. This way I run out of patterns too quickly.
I think it’s a syncing issue but after experimenting I am still not able to solve it.
Do you guys in your case set the tempo of the OT and MD separately? Or is it possible to still sync the MD to the OT this way?