Another day, another Q…
My setup at present MIDI Wise
OT Out > Virus In
Virus Out > OT In
Virus Thru > AR In
I’m trying to set up cc learn controls through the OT, (listening for cc messages) when I select that option and the OT is listening I then tweak the cutoff on the Virus for instance, but it didn’t work!
Do I need a different MIDI solution to access what I’m looking for?
Your setup sounds absolutely reasonable …
Now, there maybe some hick-ups …
- Your setup might cause a midi-feedback in some cases. If yes, a local-off on the Virus could be good advice.
- Are OT and Virus talking/listening on the same midi-channel?
- I expect that you see the OT displaying “Listening for Midi CC Messages”. But does the virus transmit controller data too?
- Sometimes the physical connection or the cable might be bad.
If you have a utility to check midi messages you could check this out … there are free utilities for Mac and PC.
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