OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

Merci ! :content:

I made a sanity check directly on OT. :wink:


Mute track per pattern


Tracks retain last selected trig mode. And save sample to slots. Surely these are possible. 1.40 has me dreaming bigger dreams.

The OT does have a ā€œrequest all CCsā€ event that you can use to manually update your controllerā€™s values after changing a pattern/part. I tried it with a BCR 2000 controller.

Thanks for the tip, unfortunately itā€™s the opposite way from what I am looking for, might have to change my MIDI Controller to one with encoders :slight_smile:

I can relate to this :slight_smile: OSv1.40 is still missing the most obvious thing for meā€¦

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LFOs affecting P-Locked parameters. MIDI tracks

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Is this not what you want?! I thought LFOs always affected P-locksā€¦ P-lock the LFO?

My understanding of OT heirarchy is P-lock < LFO < scene

No. I wanted locked to stay locked. And open trigs to be affected.

But it doesnā€™t matter what I want.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.


Yeah, the way you lock the trig is to P-lock the LFO depth to 0.

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Yaā€¦I reverted to that.
My OP was based off past stuff.


That being (for the uninitiated)?

Which is?

One humble wish: CC receive and send for FILL

Not quite so humble, but I still think realistic: Scenes for Midi LFOā€™s (at least speed and depth).


For the 15 year anniversary, Iā€™d love to see that decade-old request: a master tempo dependent re-pitch algorithm in the timestretch settings. :innocent:


thatā€™s the kind of ā€œableton-in-a-boxā€ iā€™m looking for!



I wish that on the SRC page, holding down FUNC while turning the PTCH knob that it would jump semitones.


plus 1 on visual feedback for the compressorā€™s gain reduction

You can use a recorder to display the effect the compressor has. With a master track which constantly samples T8, itā€™s possible to have a visual indication even for several tracks going into a master comp.
Not exactly the same, sure, but handy nonetheless.
To set it up, you have to temporarily disable the master track. Choose flex for track 8 and set it up to play its recorder buffer. Place a recorder trig and choose rlen (shorter rlen like 8 or 16 will display more details, longer will give a better overview of whatā€™s happening)
When you now enable master track again you can still open the recorder buffer in the audio editor and thus watch the compressor working.
You can change rlen from the recording setup menu.

With scenes you can even change parameters on the comp with audio editor open.

Pretty cool and a nice way to make sure weā€™re not clipping the master track (you can see the waveform hitting the ceiling in the audio editor, if levels become hotter, you can see it clip) while getting most out of the comp.

:elot: :heart: