OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

Just thought of this and wanted to make a request for it. Meanwhile I’ll have to find some small heavy object…

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I searched this topic a few different ways, and did not see it come up… I would really like to see conditional options on REC TRIGS. I’m obsessed with the concept of record capture at a % probability, or every X bars, or other possibilities. The options for improvising with yourself with an instrument going in are pretty exciting. I already love one-shot REC TRIGS, and conditions on record buffer flex track sequencing. I just have this stuck in my head lately.


Your scenario is likely doable using conditional trig on a midi track to control the recorder with midi loopback


I’ve thought of this. I’m so adverse to midi loopback. Time to pull up my big-boy pants, I suppose.


+1 for TRC for Rec Trigs, it was disappointing when released.
Yeah, works like a charm with midi loopback, you can also use Rec Setup Hold and your recording lengths can be variable too, depending on midi notes length. Possible to quantize.

I tried this with 8 Plays Free midi tracks controlling 8 recordings played by 8 Plays Free audio tracks, quantized, different recording lenths with Hold. Crazy controlled results ! :nerd_face:


Cool. I’m on experiment train in my near future. I’ve got rehearsals getting in the way this week. I like the idea of random resampling and playback of things like drums, in addition to TRC recording of my saxophone in realtime with things like re-pitched playback for me to respond to.


Yes Please! :sunny:


And again, longer recording length with Rec Setup RLEN ! (Doable with midi loopback).


Very Cool. I like that possibility. What I’ve got in mind involves half-note phrases that get grabbed and sequenced, as well as some random 16th note blips of notes that I’m not totally expecting. Basically I want my OT to play my saxophone at the same time I’m playing it. It’s going to get really kinky.


I think cond rec trigs would probably be my #1 request… The improv that could be done with multiple flex remixes automatically updating periodically at different times while your just jamming instruments and not pressing anything would be completely next level…


Agreed. I might never leave the house.


Makes me think to use the arranger or a chain and use solid record trigs instead of one shots. Even if you just copied the same pattern where one version has a rec trig and one doesn’t… Then just arrange those patterns in different ways. Wouldn’t get random but would allow automatic hands free updates…


That’s a good concept. I like the idea of combining this with the arranger, along with other patterns with the midi loopback idea. You can go between arranged sections with recording, to scenes of complete improvisation with what we’ve discussed, back to arranged rec trig ideas. It’s almost like wanting the audience to think you know what you’re doing. :wink:

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Surely an envelope follower must be possible and it should work with flex tracks too for live input modulations. It would allow for many cool modulations and (I’m just dreaming here) if it could have prefiltering like HP and LP we could make our own dynamic EQ/DeEsser etc…
None of my machines get hot so not sure about the “maxed out” statement.


how exactly do you do that? that would serve my purposes, tweak fx on a track, quickly compare what it sounded like without fx then put fx back on as they were

Single Row Loop mode for Arranger :
Each pattern is played looped, no automatic row / pattern change, but only with up / down arrows + Yes selection.

That would be great to recall patterns with “snap shots” of Mute, Tempo, Transpose, Scenes…

It is doable with Loop rows, but pretty boring.

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yep this would be great. these days I’ve given up on the octatrack as my main midi seq but such a usability enhancement to the arranger would make me reconsider


What about midi loopback? Could you trigger recording for each track via a CC with trig conditions?

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Yeah, that should work… By note or cc…

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I’ve frequently found myself wanting a “relative lock” for parameters, where the lock increases or decreases the parameter value by a fixed amount relative to whatever value it’s overriding.

For example, if the sample on T1 has a pitch parameter value of zero, and I create a relative parameter lock on a trig of +4.0, then the sample is played back pitch bent up four semitones for that trig. If I then change T1’s pitch to be -1.0, then the sample is only pitch bent up three semitones for that trig.