OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

it doesn’t work across tracks, it will re-clear a cleared settings page, seems only to work on current track - still useful, but i also recently found the omission surprising - (Effect 1/2) + (No)/(Yes) could be a way to bypass/engage

avantronica wrote

(Effect 1/2) + (No)/(Yes) could be a way to bypass/engage

I can’t agree more!


We should create a separated post just with this:

(Effect 1/2) + (No)/(Yes) to ByPass FX

Really trying to get into this request. Seems like it could already be accomplished with Parts or Scenes. Y’all really need a binary on/off dedicated key combo for this?


Really trying to get into this request. Seems like it could already be accomplished with Parts or Scenes. Y’all really need a binary on/off dedicated key combo for this?[/quote]
for me it’s not about setting up specific performance ideas - it’s just that i want to audition with and without fx - the clear/undo works perfectly for me to be fair - but as a free performance feature and a reasonable expectation (quick on/off for fx) i think it sounds modest, i’d not wish to blow a scene on it - because it’d always be better to toggle from current>off>current than specific>off>specific
i’m settled enough with clear/undo, but supportive of tweaks
maybe the knobs could be greyed out when an fx is bypassed, so it’s clear !


Really trying to get into this request. Seems like it could already be accomplished with Parts or Scenes. Y’all really need a binary on/off dedicated key combo for this?[/quote]
If you plan to use the “by pass” as part of your live performance the answer is: No. Because you’ll need to program a scene for this anyway.

Now if you just need to do a quick dry listening to your stuff while working at studio, I think it is a waste of time to create a dedicate scene just for this. From my point of view, for this situation a simple combo is the logic way.

The ability to save “instrument” templates for the midi tracks.


That sounds interesting. Could you explain a little more what you had in mind?


That sounds interesting. Could you explain a little more what you had in mind?[/quote]
Midi channel, CC routings, and other settings (program change) easily loaded to a midi track, selectable from a global list.

P-lockable, like sample locks, would be… Woot-woot. Program change per step instead of at the part level would be a welcomed improvement.


That sounds interesting. Could you explain a little more what you had in mind?[/quote]
Midi channel, CC routings, and other settings (program change) easily loaded to a midi track, selectable from a global list.

P-lockable, like sample locks, would be… Woot-woot. Program change per step instead of at the part level would be a welcomed improvement.[/quote]
I like that.
+1 from me
Personally, I was hoping the night of machines would include midi machines for the ot. If you paired your idea with midi scenes (even without being able to crossfade), the possibilities would be insane (in a good way). Of course, I admit I don’t know the implications midi data wise. I just think this stuff would be cool to have as a user.


That sounds interesting. Could you explain a little more what you had in mind?[/quote]
Midi channel, CC routings, and other settings (program change) easily loaded to a midi track, selectable from a global list.

P-lockable, like sample locks, would be… Woot-woot. Program change per step instead of at the part level would be a welcomed improvement.[/quote]
To be honest the number one reason why I’m not doing heavy sequencing of parameters with the OT is because it’s awful to program different CCs all the time. Just use iPad midi controllers live because its so much faster, then record to audio and mangle on OT.
That is an amazing solution to the problem of juggling CCs constantly. Make it some kind of profile with a file format we can upload, so we can have a list of synths/CC presets.

An update to Lo-Fi that adds vinyl emulation :slight_smile:

There’s a space for a noise/crackle level knob on the Main page, and the Setup page has lots of space for other settings for this :alien:

This would save me from using/layering samples, or contemplating a Roland SP of some kind >.>

anyone else find the way arp mutes work to be strange? currently, if you mute a step, when you unmute it starts back at base pitch. even worse, tho you can hold a muted step and twist the knob to a different pitch, when you release the trig key, it does nothing… so you have tap the key to bring the step back in, then hold it again to adjust pitch. I understand it isn’t really “muting” - it’s “deactivating” the step - but it would be much better if you could set the pitch before reactivating the step. better still if the pitch value could be retained with deactivation.

I’m still waiting for FX trails not being cutoff after muting a track. Impossible to get my dub reggae on without the use of outboard verbs and delays.

Ability to route the arppegiator to Flex machine parameter.

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TrigLock Cue out with level control. Please.

Name cc:s
So you can see what parameter you turn.
Midi Slide!!
Polyphony and multisamples in some way so you can play octatrack like an old sampler.
Pitch all the way c-2 - c10.

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i made a thread asking about this but didn’t see there was a request thread soooo

this x 1000000

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This would also be sick :slight_smile: