OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

Active Track Up/Down for midi tracks


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Hereā€™s one that might be a pretty simple implementation: scale division per page with looping functionality. So you. An theoretically still have longer loops than standard 64 step 16 notes but have the advantage of accessing 32nd notes so long as you have an 1/8th note or longer on other bars.

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1.) Modern effects that donā€™t suck, especially reverb and filter
2.) Digitakt style display and UI graphics.
3.) Overbridge ( at minimum) , for streaming the 8 internal tracks to PC.
4.) More internal RAM ( Why not? itā€™s 2022 )
5.) Eight inputs instead of four

Thereā€™s no reason why the FX couldnā€™t be better. The Virus TI came out like five years before the Octatrack, and it has 16 multitimbral patches. Each with itā€™s own instance of an entire effects suite on par with modern Strymon or Eventide effects.

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OT filter,reverbs and fxā€™s have nothing to be shame of,they are simple,doing what they should and are musical(in my opinion filter resonance is great,its not just whistling like in maaaany other hardware running on dsp ,but actualy adding harmonics,and that is rare)

also i am sure that reverb is as good as possibly can be
new effects,and especialy reverbs!=more calculations ,and will require basicaly new cpu ,so no can do,unless OT mk3 with new cpu

please do not forget that you have a given cpu performance and that is what you have to work with.
in my opinion Elektron did amazing job on OT, sqeezing 101% out of cpu, while ensuring
overall system performance and keeping it safe from overloads(which virus TI actualy have problems with) thus keeping sequencer timing correct which is essential for musical application

that is exactly what i said before,
please dont forget virus have rudementary sequencer (no comparision to OT!),no live sampling, etc,
its aim is purely for osc and fx ,so all cpu resources goes there ,it is basicaly different machine
so this comparision is missed by far



your requests fits rather in OT mk3 department OT mk3
i hope there is still room for some fine dialing of OT,

personaly i secretly hope something can be done to separetely control MIDI tracks just like AUDIO tracks

could be amazing if MIDI/AUDIO editing mode beign switchable via midi ,then in conjuction with MUTE focusing track when invoked via MIDI that would solved it,or active track up/down in MIDI editing mode,
or perhaps one of the CC responsable for doing that for example via auto channel

this way you have to send for example 2 extra messages e.g. cc# 100 switch to MIDI editing mode followed (possibly with some delay to give OT time to switch)by CC #101 v7 to choose MIDI track #7,
but that would give remote control over midi tracks,so you could remotely control midi lfoā€™s,note etcā€¦ of seperate tracks,
and maybe whats more exciting you could have midi multitrack recording ,

again you would have to send first CCā€™s to set the mode and track but hey ,that would work

that is my dream

so keep dreaming,thatā€™s what being scientist is all aboutā€¦


Yes, this thread is feature requests for the existing OT.


today i want to propose quicker way to assign FILL to a trig
and also some way to mark this fact by differenttrig led color/blink

i feel this way it would be much quicker/easier/attractive to work with FILL(and other) conditions,since
rotarys do not have mechanical steps you always have to look on the screen

press&hold deisred trig(or more then one) + hit SCALE SETUP button to assign it to FILL

to mark trig maybe idea would be yellow led color?why not ,at least then you know is FILL

coming to think of it, why not yellow led to mark if any condition in a trigā€¦?
and maybe assignable(fill,pre,nei,1st,%A:B) condition for trig + SCALE SETUP combination (in PERSONALIZE menu)

all the best

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Direct jumpā€¦that is allā€¦


I would love to see a mk3 that follows in the tradition of the mk2 in that it works exactly the same, but looks different and has couple more buttons, and no new features.

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like he said

  • Scenes for Cue

  • An option so Cue doesnā€™t stay on between banks
    (That one is a nightmare to manage so far)

  • an option to automatically empty the buffer when changing bank

  • a more direct and automated way than having to name, save, assign and load a sample into a machine. Especially for a live use, it is just not taking too long as it is.

  • A less convoluted looping style more similar to a traditional looper

  • Better odd time signatures management with 1 page = 1 bar whenever we change the scale length (I guess that can could be a per page step length)

gā€™day elektronauts

today i propose

sample pool number displayed in main screen along with sample name e.g.
45:RAGNAROK Screen Shot 2022-10-01 at 10.52.11

optional (PERSONLIZE menu) auto saving all recordings from all track recorders when performing PROJECT->SAVE

have a good weekend



maybe switchable between :
-active when pattern loops and remain active untill loops again
-active during current loop only


separate TRIG MODE - FILL to use 16 TRIG keys as FILL recall\latch,unlatch for individual tracks
maybe keys 1-8 recall ,9-16 latch\unlatch


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It would be great and iā€™d love that each track would also be able to retain its own mode (include TRACKS mode) even after a reboot (MIDI tracks and MIDI mapping as well).


An auto naming feature when saving names that would propose to name starting with the name of the song and some basic labels (Bass, Drums, etc).
It would be much faster to save and would be useful while trying to move banks across projects (although copying a bank to another project would be my feature number 1, big time).

The ability to switch FX1&2 from series to parallel processing. Would fit nicely in the amp setup page. Ideally setting it to parallel would unlock a parameter in the main amp page for balancing the outputs.

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receiving ccā€™s 55&56 to act as if i press and hold SCENE button on OT
when receiving 127= pressed and holding,when receiving= 0 release

that way i can press&hold scene selecting button on my controller and it will act same as if i press&hold SCENE A/B button in OT
and then i can send snapshot to program given scene in a blink of an eye

same as with track MUTE
when track is muted from midi it does not activates the track ,just like when muted from OT keys(if enabled from PERSONALIZE menu)


An option so whenever you load a sample you already loaded in the sample slot, it redirects you to that sample. That way whenever you are working on BANK 13 after months starting the set, you are sure to not have doublons in the list (without having to purge).

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Feature Request:

Ability to Control Cue Levels via the Crossfader and Scenes (for Studio Mode)

The idea would be to turn the crossfader to incrementally control how much of a trackā€™s audio is routed to either the main outs or cue outs. When using the cue outs as an FX chain, this could effectively turn the crossfader into a dry wet control.

A suggestion of how to implement the feature:

The user would hold down either the Scene A or Scene B buttons, then press the Cue button, which would toggle between Max Cue xLVL, Min Cue xLVL, and OFF.

For example, the user would toggle Scene A to Min Cue xLVL and then toggle Scene B to Max Cue xLVL. Moving the crossfader from Scene A to Scene B would gradually increase the amount of audio sent to the cue out.