OT Known Bugs & Workarounds Document

Now that the OT firmware is still being used in the new OT some of these old bugs could finally be squashed :sunglasses:


Does anyone want to agree disagree that PUM command ā€˜Toggle Seq Sync + Start : Note 71ā€™ isnā€™t working consistent with the description (or is buggy)

There is no toggling (as you get with ā€˜Toggle Seq Sync : Note 70ā€™ ) ā€¦ itā€™ll change once

Perhaps the command should be listed as ā€˜Set PM Seq Sync + Start : Note 71ā€™

I stay sync to seq anyway so I donā€™t use it, I even prefer to use Flex.

Wishes : plock ability for CUE level (works with midi), part midi control.
Conditional trigs of course.

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Iā€™d love to get some working ā€œdirectā€ plays free midi tracksā€¦ :flushed:

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FWIW, OT1 with 1.30C
Not even using some of the deeper features yet, first I noticed even though the work is ā€œsavedā€ after power off, some trigs missing from patterns and no sound from individual samples. Okay, save every time. Lesson learned.
Then, with either normal or studio mode, one project saved, half tracks going through cue and other mains. Headphone mix normal. OK, guess Iā€™ll just work all the tracks thru the headphones.

Then, later
Have MIDI sending only clock out to thru and down the chain. Everything good.
Change project- no MIDI coming out whatever. Checked cables, twice, switched to another thru box. Switched cables. Same.
Doesnā€™t respond to clock going in either, changed settings a few times back and forth, reboot. No MIDI.
Turned off and will try again in the morning.
Could some of this stuff just be a simple problem like overheating? I have read through some of these bug threads, it would be a real shame if heads were banging on software fixes for a hardware problemā€¦ kinda reminds me of the early Dell laptop issue, where basically it all came down to an inadequate heat sink.

I was having a similar issue with my track routing changing during power cycles (even projects I had saved and loaded with no issue a bunch of times in the past) after the OT got cold in a long car ride during a really severe cold snap back in January. I ended up backing up the contents of my card and doing a low-level format from a computer (using either this or this,one of them consistently froze part way through and I forget which it was now) and it seems to have cleared it up, although I havenā€™t had time to do much music in the last two months so I havenā€™t exactly stress tested it, but I did use it a lot throughout January and played out with it with no issues.

It was really similar to what youā€™re describing in the first paragraph, output routing of some tracks would be different when I reloaded a project, and some of the flex machines assigned to play from record buffers would be assigned to different buffers.

I donā€™t know if getting cold caused it or if itā€™s just a coincidence that it was working fine the day before and then had the issue the day after, but it seems to have been a problem with the card format as far as I can tell.

Id just as well back up the orig. Kingston card and toss it altogether, having a couple spare, a SanDisk and Belkin, the latter being fairly expensiveā€¦ if itā€™s a card issue.

FWIW Iā€™m on 1.25H on a mrk1, I never have to save project and everything is always there when I reboot. I use save project as a restore point as my project is pretty built and customized and Iā€™m usually messing it up in good ways rather than adding to it, but sometimes Iā€™ll go a dozen power cycles or so and everything is always there. :thinking:

Never have had problems with clock or routing eitherā€¦ :thinking: but I am on mk1 previous OSā€¦

Update: I have the OT sending clock to Beatstep Pro and Microsampler (among other things) via thru boxā€¦when I first hooked them up, the patterns on both external would start auto- which is normal.
Let the OT sit overnight, did an empty reset, and found it IS sending clock, tempo changes, but no auto start. Only have clock sending out. Everything works, there was a little problem with the CUE function before too, that sorted out.
I am assuming an EMPTY RESET will become a go-to, as I imagine things get built up in the RAM fairly easily since I have been building/adding samples through power on/off.

Just weird, although I believe MIDI cooperation between various devices, esp the BSP is not very dependable- might be between old/new gear or brand or whatever. Not a biggie, just have to manually sync on time, may actually prefer it that way.
I can deal with studio session workarounds, just need it to perform live.
How useful is PURGING SAMPLES, I am assuming the unused stuff once the project is ā€œdoneā€? It seems I am going to have to be mindful of the memory usage/buffer in the midst of adding/deleting trigs and samples. I have thus far been using all my trax as FLEX, too, the recording buffers are empty.

Have you had midi going into the OT? That can mess things up if your not completely on top of itā€¦
Most often strange things with OT in the first few months are something you did with the project and its sneaky to find or realize what you did, not always thoughā€¦

Iā€™ve had zero midi issues and three years in my OT doesnā€™t really give me any trouble, it works exactly the same everytimeā€¦ I fully absolutely trust it for live, itā€™s never glitched, froze, or done anything weird that wasnā€™t my faultā€¦ When learning it though I would mess it up and think itā€™s buggy, but every time I figured out what I didā€¦
Thereā€™s a few minor bugs but once you find them theyā€™re easily avoidableā€¦ And those have to do with track recorders/pickups//parts/scenes, nothing youā€™ve mentionedā€¦

Again mk1 1.25 H though, but still, just trying to give you some hopeā€¦ :slight_smile:

I never have to do an empty reset either, although I do do it after an OS upgrade just for good measure, also always save projects under the new OS and reloadā€¦

And midi has been exactly the same for many, many yearsā€¦ There shouldnā€™t be any kind of new/old gear midi conflictsā€¦ Do have transport send enabled?

The ā€œTracks start sampling without recorder trigsā€ thread was becoming a bug thread so I stirred this one upā€¦

In the release notes from 1.30 to 1.30B they include:

-Unsaved RAM recorder slices are not discarded at startup.
Bug fixes:
-Reconfiguring the flex memory would make it impossible to trigger flex samples, unless a manual reload of the samples was invoked.

Iā€™m on older OS but from reading the forum it seems neither of these were actually fixed? Anyone confirm?

Btw, whatā€™s its purpose? Never tried it.

Based on my reply I guess Iā€™m not 100% on expected behaviour ā€¦ will investigate at some point

Hi folks, Iā€™m about to take the plunge getting a used OT MKI.

Would like to know if any of the bugs described here have been ironed out with the last updates? Interested about the late-CC-bug in particular and the hassles that step input via external MIDI keyboard produced.

Thanks for any info!

Check the elektron website the OT is on OS1.4a now. Bug fixes will be listed on the support page.

= ā€œI donā€™t know. RTFM.ā€ :wink: