So the Octatrack can send to 1 channel at a time. The medusa can do a few tricks, I can select 1 channel for midi and then it bring that channel to all the voices, in FM synth mode, you can have 1 voice per channel, where you can play an extra analog synth in the background on channel 8 while channel 1 to 6 can be used individually. I can also on the Medusa, listen to all incoming midi, which yeah just send all midi to the FM synth 6 voices.
I am trying to use channel 8 to reach the (unreachable) analog synth when the medusa is in FM synth mode, and also have acces to the poly synth so that I could do 3 voice chord… but I can’t since I can only choose 1 channel per track… Can 1 track send to 3 midi channels?? Anyone else with the medusa and OT mix… it’s really nice combo
You could try something like this Poly Chain plugin (Voltage Modular):
But yeah, for live playing on several channels, you’ll need a tool to distribute the note messages. There should be hardware solutions, too. Retrokit or Blokas perhaps?
Always liked the idea of OT + Medusa, was considering to try and get a second hand unit.
You want to send several midi channels from OT chromatic keyboard, and record to 1 midi track ? Not sure to get it.
With midi processors such Event Processor Plus, Midipal/Midibud/Midigal, Bomebox, RK002, you can send several channels from 1, by programing. IIRC it’s implemented in Midipal, easy to program in EPP, Bomebox…
Ah and with an Elektron Digi, I think you can do it (controlling several midi tracks with the same channel, sending different midi channels per track.
Well the medusa has 3 midi modes: single-channel midi, one channel per voice, or all channels. The one channel per voice is the only monophonic one… but has the dedicated channel 8 to reach the analog part of the synth when in poly Fm mode… I guess it’s more of a medusa question, but was wondering if anyone had a the OT + Medusa combo here.