OT recording input AB but not CD

Recording is set to “A B” and “C D”, but it only records input A B, what am I missing? Been through the manual, tried all kinds of changes but nothing. I can hear the C D inputs loud and clear when just sending audio throught them (MD to A B and A4 to C D), but it only ever records A B. What silly little thing am I missing? Got a gig on saturday and this is proving to be quite frustrating :stuck_out_tongue:

Disclaimer: I am constantly sleep derived after becoming a father, so I probably just overlooked something simple :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you record using a trig or manually?

If with a trig, check that the trig has locked the two inputs.

If manually, you need to press the two red buttons at the same time.

What you set on the Recorder Setup for the INP is just for saying to OT to look for a stereo signal or a double mono summed, etc…

Then you have to decide (trig/manually) what to record

i show u on video skype how i do it. pm me